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The Art of Aubrey Beardsley

Aubrey Beardsley

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The Art of Aubrey Beardsley | Aubrey Beardsley

The Art of Aubrey Beardsley

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che painted the admirable portrait reproduced in the frontispiece. But he found many subjects, some of which he afterwards worked out, in the expressive opportunities of the Casino and the beach, lie never walked; I never saw him look at the sea; but at night he was almost always to be seen watching the gamblers at petits chevaux, studying them with a sort of hypnotised attention for that picture of "The Little Horses," which was never done. He liked the large, deserted rooms, at hours when no one was there; the sense of frivolous things caught at a moment of suspended life, en deshabillé. He would glance occasionally, but with more impatience, at the dances, especially the children's dances, in the concert room; but he rarely missed a concert, and would glide in every afternoon, and sit on the high benches at the side, always carrying his large, gilt-leather portfolio with the magnificent, old, red-lined folio paper, which he would often open, to write some lines in pencil. He was at work then, with an almost pathetic tenacity, at his story, never to be finished, the story which never could have been finished, "Under the Hill," a new version, a parody (like Laforgue's parodies, but how unlike them, or anything!) of the story of Venus and Tannhäuser. Most of it was done at these concerts, and in the little, close writing-room, where visitors sat writing letters. The fragment published in the first two numbers of the "Savoy" had passed through many stages before it found its way there, and would have passed through more if it had ever been carried further. Tannhäuser, not quite willingly, had put on Abbé's disguise, and there were other unwilling disguises in those brilliant, disconnected, fantastic pages, in which every sentence was meditated over, written for its own sake, and left to find its way in its own paragraph. It could never have been finished, for it had never really be
Bruce 08/17/2022
This is a five star for both the superb, Yeats called it a 'masterpiece', introduction by Arthur Symons, as well as the artwork. A caution, though, for readers. We must wonder how much of what we are reading is real. Here we have the dying Beardsley, and the mythmaking Symons manufacturing a 'Religi
Castles 03/03/2020
This book caught me by randomness, and while I was aware of his art, I never knew his tragic life story which was written somewhat unflatteringly in the preface.

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