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The Arch-Satirist

Frances Fenwick Williams

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The Arch-Satirist | Frances Fenwick Williams

The Arch-Satirist

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"If we have loved but well
Under the sun,
Let the last morrow tell
What we have done."
Bliss Carman.

On an exceptionally disreputable Montreal street stood a particularly unsavoury old studio building. Like other unsavoury things it had an interesting history, having, in its palmy days, belonged to an English duke. The duke was now dust and the studio building unpopular with the constabulary. Yet an air of former greatness enveloped it and its large, spacious halls and lofty ceilings bore mute and pathetic testimony to the grandeur of former days.

In an apartment which a duchess had once inhabited rats and spiders revelled, unrebuked, save when, once a week, a wild-eyed slattern clattered noisily in and attacked them with broom and scrubbing-brush. Sometimes the heavy old-fashioned door was locked and she went away rejoicing; sometimes it was merely closed, in which case she entered fearlessly and performed her tasks as expeditiously and abominably as possible. Frequently, during these revels, the lithe form of Mr. Ricossia might have been discerned, stretched upon the studio couch in deep and peaceful slumber. Even the prosaic and work-harrowed drudge of the Chatham was wont to pause occasionally and gaze wit

emma 03/09/2024
whoa this book is wild.

in place of a review of this whole book, i'm just going to write about this single line in Inferno that i full on cannot stop thinking about. warning: this is completely nasty. blame Dante. also: all credit goes out to my literary foundations professor. i'm essentially regurgi
leynes 05/28/2022
Not gonna lie, reading this poem felt, at times, like being punished in one of the lower Circles of Hell.

Dante's Commedia is among those classics that I desperately want to *have read* but never actually *read*. Add War and Peace, Don Quixote and Paradise Lost to that list of shame and procrastinati
Manny 07/13/2011
The other day, in the comment thread to her review of The Aeneid, Meredith called The Divine Comedy "lame": specifically, she objected to the fact that Dante put all the people he didn't like in Hell. Well, Meredith, you're perfectly welcome to your opinions - but I'm half Italian, and I've been pol
Joshua Nomen-Mutatio 04/28/2011

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