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Arabella Stuart: A Romance from English History

G. P. R. James

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .The mantelpiece was of the same wood, richly carved with monkeys, and devils, and many a wild creature of the imagination, supporting the various cornices and crowning the three-twisted columns on either side, while, on a sort of entablature, appeared, in marquetry of sandal-wood and ebony, the whole history of King David, from his first encounter with Goliath of Gath to the death of Absalom. The figure of the Psalmist king, it is true, was not in the most harmonious proportions, his head being somewhat larger than his body, and his crown, after he had attained the dignity of empire, rather larger than his head. Goliath, from his protuberance before, must decidedly have taken but little exercise, and appeared to have had a fondness for turtle and venison, so that he might be strongly suspected of having sat as an alderman at the civic festivals of Gath. About Absalom, however, there could be no mistake, for his hair, which was of black ebony, could have belonged to nobod. . . Read More

Community Reviews

GPR James, as Royal Historiographer, even in an honorary capacity, was able to access information not always available to the average reader. There is thus, a degree of detail and the whiff of authenticity about his historical tales that adds to the pleasure of his books.

Arabella Stuart, the subjec

As a author myself, with a degree in history as well, I did love this book. The characters are well portrayed, the plot accurate and well written, with a simple and engaging prose.
Moreover, since I've currently been living in Uk, I much appreciated the time and space where the story is set.
A bit too