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The Angel of Terror

Edgar Wallace

Book Overview: 

Literary traditions still decree beauty to be the outward sign of inner saintliness, whereas evil characters tended to be “ugly as sin.” Jean Briggerland defies these expectations by being every bit as angelically beautiful as she is sociopathic. So lovely that all around her are blinded to her guilt no matter how blatant her crimes, only Jack Glover, best friend and lawyer of her most recent victim, is aware of her true nature. Can he stop her crime spree and bring her to justice before she murders her way to wealth and happiness? He really, really shouldn’t count on it. Despite the book’s outrageously implausible plot, it nevertheless manages to keep one in suspense from first page to last. Advisory: Antiquated attitudes and occasional profanity will add unintentional humor to the charms of the story for some listeners but might offend others.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Poor Miss Briggerland," he said softly. "She certainly is poorer than she expected to be."

"Nonsense," scoffed the girl. She was irritated, which was unusual in her. "My dear Mr. Glover, why do you pursue your vendetta against her? Do you think it is playing the game, honestly now? Isn't it a case of wounded vanity on your part?"

He stared at her in astonishment.

"Wounded vanity? Do you mean pique?"

She nodded.

"Why should I be piqued?" he asked slowly.

"You know best," replied Lydia, and then a light dawned on him.

"Have I been making love to Miss Briggerland by any chance?" he asked.

"You know best," she repeated.

"Good Lord!" and then he began to laugh, and she thought he would never stop.

"I suppose I made love to her, and she was angry because I dared to commit such an act of treachery to her fiancé! Yes, that was it. I made love to her behind poor Jim's back, and she . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Als Hörbuch gehört hat mich die Geschichte recht gut unterhalten können. Sie wirkt ein bisschen altmodisch inzwischen, aber gerade das ist vielleicht auch das Interessante daran.

An entertaining romantic thriller and crime story featuring a strong, ruthless female criminal. It relies on coincidence and far fetched events but in the beginning of the tale, Wallace points out that many of the events would be unbelievable outside of fiction. I think that perhaps he was poking ge

Definitely, read this! Very fast-paced, very tight and quick, very short (maybe 200ish pages).

The plot twists are very well done, I totally didn't see two-three things coming near the end.

I also loved the fact that it doesn't hide unknown villains, you know "everything" as the reader and seeing the

Exquisitely beautiful and thoroughly vile, Jean is a scheming murderer, who gets away with multiple murders because she is so so lovely, innocent looking, and a skilled liar. But lawyer Jack Glover has her pegged, and does his best to protect Jean's latest target, an unbelievably naive and debt-ridd

I have been wanting to read one or two of Edgar Wallace's novels for some time to see what all the fuss was about in his day. This tale of an amoral but beautiful woman and her victims was surprisingly timeless and entertaining, just perfect for a day of airplane travel after days of fatiguing meeti

Rereading for an upcoming SFFaudio podcast episode.


This is a riveting tale which sets out with a man being sentenced for murder and a beautiful, innocent woman having had to testify against him. Except, what everyone thinks is exactly opposite to the truth, according to the condemned man'

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