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Amendments to the United States Constitution

Book Overview: 

The Amendments to the Constitution of the USA are a continuously modified document that attempts to secure all basic and other rights for American citizens. The most recent amendment was made in the early 1970’s during the Vietnam war; this amendment lowered the voting age to 18.

The first ten amendments (A.K.A. the Bill of Rights) was made by the founding fathers shortly after the actual constitution was made. The Bill of Rights covers all those things that the settlers found wrong with the rule of King George III of England. Such as: Quartering of soldiers, Freedom of speech, and Search and seizure

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Community Reviews

What do I need to say? Read them, understand them, and give thanks.

Also let me recommend, treasure, protect, and pray we keep them, unbroken.


It is nearly impossible to review such an important historical work. In my opinion this is one of the most important documents in history.

The foundation of the America is based on morality and virtue. Each sentence has been carefully thought and each word has been carefully chosen. I am so glad to see that Cyrus the Great's bill of human right (which is the first bill of rights in the world) had inspired great men like Founding Father

Solid opener, but it dragged on a bit too long. I'll keep an eye on the work of this Thomas Jefferson fellow.

"A Must Read" and Re-Read Yearly.

What an alive and exciting little booklet—easily read in a couple of hours. It is not only educative (badly needed in these turbulent times), but it is deeply moving. I'm in awe or the ability of the founders to see so far ahead and produce organized rules that have lasted.

That said, I also see how

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