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Alice in Wonderland Retold in Words of One Syllable

J.C. Gorham

Book Overview: 

The well known and delightful tale of Alice in Wonderland but retold in simpler language. All the characters are there, even the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter. Note that even though the title says 'words of one syllable', there are quite a few two and even multiple syllable words which the author divides into smaller bites by using dashes. Don't let this bother you. The book is well written and would be an excellent choice for all listeners or those for whom English is not their first language.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . . wept when she was nine feet high.

"I wish I hadn't cried so much!" said Al-ice as she swam round and tried to find her way out. "I shall now be drowned in my own tears. That will be a queer thing, to be sure! But all things are queer to-day."

Just then she heard a splash in the pool a lit-tle way off, and she swam near to make out what it was; at first she thought it must be a whale, but when she thought how small she was now, she soon made out that it was a mouse that had slipped in the pond.

"Would it be of an-y use now to speak to this mouse? All things are so out-of-way down here, I should think may-be it can talk, at least there's no harm to try." So she said: "O Mouse, do you know the way out of this pool? I have swum here till I'm quite tired, O Mouse!" The Mouse looked at her and seemed to her to wink with one of its small eyes, but it did not speak.

"It may be a French Mouse," thought Al-ice, so she said: "Où est ma . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Well Disney stuck pretty close to the original story. There were a couple of additional and different scenes in the book. Ended rather abruptly I thought.

I give this book 3 stars because, even though it was a good book, it wasn't challenging at all and was very easy for me. This book reminded me of my childhood, and made me laugh. I enjoyed reading this book very much, it was just too short and easy for my reading level.

I have always loved this book even back to my childhood. I remember my Mother reading it to me and my emagination would run wild. I still today let my emagination go when I read this book. I just read this to my God Daughter and she was enthrawled.
I highly recommend this book to all.

J.C Gorham wrote in a spectacular way. This book tells us why we should not cry. When Alice was big she started crying and when she became small she was in a flood of water. The favourite part is that when Alice’s sister wakes her up. I would recommend to read this book.

Fun to read this way. Short read but I enjoyed the cleverness of the one-syllable retelling of this classic.