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William Clark Russell

Book Overview: 

We meet Miss Lucretia Lane as she is dressing for her marriage to Captain Francis Reynolds of the British Merchant Service. Though he loves her truly, she has severe misgivings. She goes through with the wedding in spite of this, but refuses to live with her new husband, and cannot be enticed or cajoled to do so. Then on the day the Captain is scheduled to ship out, she receives word that he has been gravely injured and his dying request is to see his wife. She flies to his side... and thus begins an adventure spanning eight years - love, loathing, shipwreck, love lost, and redemption.

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Community Reviews

Absence makes the heart grow fonder is how the adage goes but some could argue that a more apt axiom would be absence makes the heart grow fonder for somebody else. Whichever you deem correct, it could be applied to this delightfully refreshing book by William Clark Russell. Captain Francis (Frank)

La storia è avviata e conclusa dalla storia di un matrimonio, stroncato sul nascere da un attacco sessuofobico della sposa: certo, né l'autore, né tantomeno la protagonista sono autorizzati dal loro contesto storico ad avvalersi di questo aggettivo, e parlano, secondo i punti di vista, di una malata

William Clark Russell is known primarily for his sea stories, not always rattling thrillers like his contemporary Frederick Marryat, but sea adventures in which mystery and matrimony play a large part. This book is not easily available in print or in digital format. You can download it on Internet A

I would have given it a lot more points if either I had read it myself or if the audio version had one GOOD reader instead of several mediocre ones. The story itself was decent, though being a classic it was very wordy and a little over descriptive. So.. 2 stars it gets.

I listened to this as an audiobook. I had a difficult time getting through it. Lovely Lucretia looks forward to her marriage to Captain Frank Reynolds. Immediately after the wedding ceremony she confines herself to her room and threatens to poison herself if she is required to live with her husband.

This is the first W. Clark Russell novel I've read, and I'm ready to read more! I'm sure this story is slow moving to some, but I enjoy the leisurely pace, as I listen to most of my books as audiobooks, and therefore can keep my hands busy with laundry, dishes, and pick-up, without missing out on an

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