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The Abandoned Room

Wadsworth Camp

Book Overview: 

Many murders are occurring in a secret room. The Panamanian Sherlock Holmes, Carlos Paredes, will unravel its mystery.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .No. I heard that same stirring. Something moved in there."

The detective turned brusquely and entered the old corridor.

"We'll see."

The others followed. Katherine was close to Bobby. He touched her hand.

"He's right, Katherine. No one's there. No one could have been there. You mustn't give way like this. I'm depending on you—on your faith."

She pressed his hand, but her assurance didn't diminish.

The key scraped in the lock. They crowded through the doorway after the detective. He struck a match and lighted the candle. He held it over the bed. He sprang back with a sharp cry, unlike his level quality, his confident conceit. He pointed. They all approximated his helpless gesture, his blank amazement. For on the bed had occurred an abominable change.

The body of Silas Blackburn no longer lay peacefully on its back. It had been turned on. . . Read More

Community Reviews

The abandoned room is a mystery story with surprising end. It reminds of a work written by Edgar Wallace, Arthur Conan Doyle or Agatha Christy. Although some parts are interesting overall it's average.

I enjoyed reading this book. The story kept me guessing until the very end. My only criticism is the character’s names. The author continuously switched from calling the characters by their first name to the referred to the characters by their last name. It made it difficult to keep track of who was

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