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1900 or The Last President

Ingersoll Lockwood

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1900 or The Last President | Ingersoll Lockwood

1900 or The Last President

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The year is 1896. The United States is rocked by the election of an unlikely president. On election night, riots broke out in the streets of New York. The city was paralyzed with dread. Mobs organized under the lead of Anarchists and Socialists. Farther South, people celebrated. This was a President elected by the working class and he was a President who followed through with his commitment to fight for the rights of the people. This president would fight to end the enslavement of the people by money lenders, big bankers, corporations and government overtax. But can he be successful in a society that is rapidly absorbing socialist ideologies?
Hazeanni 11/18/2021
It was yesterday that I came to know, this book has been dubbed as a prophecy to Donald Trump presidency after a publication of more than a century.

Nevertheless, only on the opening chapter did I feel the coincidence. The President Elect Bryan had being supported by lower segment of society and the
Anita 01/16/2021
This book was written over a hundred years ago and it shows in its heavily adverbed prose. However, it is an interesting look into politics of the time, and perhaps most interesting is that politics have not changed all that much. I would call it a cautionary tale - 'be careful what you wish for.'
Robert 01/08/2021
This novel suddenly makes the headlines because its author also wrote a series on the travels and adventures of Baron Trump (which happens to be the youngest son of the current president. It is set at the end of the 19th century and describes the conflict which existed then in the struggle between t
Iam 10/06/2020
Wwg1wga time travel is the truth #maga
T 09/27/2020
Read it for the prophetic/coincidences
Josh 01/28/2019
What a weird, hyperbolic little book. Definitely written by a lawyer. AND! The Secretary of Agriculture is named Pence! So, you know, time travel.
The weirdest thing about this book is that I think Tolkien must have read it because it also has a "Dawnless Day" that occurs in early March. Coincidence
Joyce 11/22/2017
Alternate history published in 1896 and imagining a future (1898) election that put William Jennings Bryan in power, and he immediately took America off the gold standard. Prescient for those unhappy with the 2016 election; the issues are different but the turmoil seems similar--although I'm hoping
Manuel 07/29/2017
What a ride! The editor of this book was right in his foreword: this book is full of synchronism. They way the story developes is uncanny. The decline of good morals and a striving society feels like what the left is doing today around the world.

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