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Seymour Eaton

  • The Roosevelt Bears | Seymour Eaton

    "The Roosevelt Bears - Their Travels and Adventures" is full of fun as we follow the journeys and mishaps of two big, delightful bears. Tired of life in the West of America and eager to see places of which they had only heard, Teddy-B and Teddy-G head east. All ages will laugh and enjoy the...

  • More About the Roosevelt Bears | Seymour Eaton

    An entertaining sequel to the beloved Roosevelt Bears - Their Travels and Adventures. The Bears are once again full of hijinks and merriment as they make their way down the Eastern half of the United States. Enjoying baseball, publishing a newspaper, visiting the zoo and playing firemen Teddy-B...

  • The Roosevelt Bears Abroad | Seymour Eaton

    Follow the explorations of a comical pair of bears from the Wild West of America as they roam over Europe. All ages will laugh and enjoy the antics told in lively rhyme.

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