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Mike Bozart

  • Lake Montonia Regazed | Mike Bozart

    Agent 32 interrogates Agent 33 with regard to a previous short story. The answer to question 5(a) is a bit longwinded.

  • The Punt | Mike Bozart

    The author and his son are passing and kicking the football in the backyard. One kick sends the dual-pointed oval ball flying.

  • Fortunate In Fortuna | Mike Bozart

    Agents 32 & 33 investigate the quaint town of Fortuna (CA) in the spring of 2017. A kind gentleman adds some key clues.

  • Quotidian X2 | Mike Bozart

    A man is observed re-walking the same route at the same time twice a day in Amsterdam. Is he human … or something else?

  • Terminal Moraine | Mike Bozart

    A young woman decides to leave rural China for the big coastal city. But, factory life is so soul-crushing. And then her friend …

  • Trinidad Head | Mike Bozart

    Agents 32 & 33 journey to the North Coast of California. It’s a perfect day for a cool-air maritime hike. Mysteries flourish.

  • Winston-salem Revue | Mike Bozart

    Agents 32 & 33 take a road trip to Winston-Salem (NC). There is no shortage of suitable material. It all sinks at Salem Lake.

  • Xinguara | Mike Bozart

    A poor smitten lad in inland Brazil. How can he win over his heart’s desire when his rival is rich? And down by the river …

  • Columbia Eclipsed | Mike Bozart

    Agents 32 & 33 drive to Columbia (SC) to take in the total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. Reptiles, glasses, parking, waiting.

  • Lolita Of Loleta | Mike Bozart

    A female high school student is determined to land the new psychology teacher. After being rebuffed, she turns up the heat.

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