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Keith Laumer

  • Greylorn | Keith Laumer

    Commander Greylorn has a problem. No, actually he has two of them. It’s not enough that the remaining residents of Earth have pinned their last hope of salvation on him and his mission. He has to find a colony that presumably was established at an unknown star two centuries before and beg their...

  • It Could Be Anything | Keith Laumer

    A science fiction story by the great Keith Laumer - what more needs to be said? - But I will say more nevertheless. A young man sets out from his rural town to see the world for himself. What is really over the next hill? What does a big city look like? Is there really an ocean? After all, we...

  • Doorstep | Keith Laumer

    The general was bucking for his other star—and this miserable contraption bucked right back!

  • A Bad Day For Vermin | Keith Laumer

    They came In friendship and love. They couldn't help the way they looked!

  • A Trace of Memory | Keith Laumer

    Legion was homeless and hungry and looking for a way to get to Miami when he crossed paths with Foster. Foster enlists Legion's aid in dealing with the mysterious light-beings called Hunters who he says have been chasing him, and also in recovering his lost memories. He possesses a journal with...

  • Gambler's World | Keith Laumer

    Dodging assassins, Retief and Magnan enter a gambling hall to find a kingpin gambling with his planet's future.

  • The Yillian Way | Keith Laumer

    The ceremonious protocol of the Yills was impressive, colorful--and, in the long run, deadly!

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