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Supreme Personality

Delmer Eugene Croft

Book Overview: 

Life is self-realization. Every birth is divine. We are born anew every morning. My wish is that you may catch the gleam, be freed from limitations and enter upon your boundless possibilities. To bring you into the throne-room of your being, that you may awaken in self-realization, is why I have prepared this course of lessons. Should you give five minutes a day to them, in a year you will know the joy there is in Life, in Power, and in Service.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .ts iron into your blood, tightens up your vertebrate and makes you "a self-starter." You may have lost your battle, your Will stands ready for another better campaign. You miss an opportunity, your Will stands ready to open the door to a hundred new ones. Delay is the mother of most failures. One thing worse than "a quitter," is the person afraid to begin. Your Will gives purpose and makes you stick to it. Get grit for a new siege. Will makes desire. Will makes brains. Will gives decision. To decide means "to cut"; cut deep into the world of possibilities, cut out of your prison of difficulties, cut thru your jungle of opposition to liberty, to health, to success, to supreme power. THINK, PLAN, DO IT. Will heals disease. Will drives poisons out of the system. Will makes the body immune. Will illumines the brain with brilliant perception. Will sweeps misfortunes aside and rebuilds a nobler success. Julius Caesar trained his supreme will until. . . Read More

Community Reviews

A bit of Yoga, a bit of salty Water in the morning, lots of Water with lithium (wait a minute, is that the famous Kool-Aid?) and there you go...you can build a supreme personality.

Joke aside, some parts of this book are excellent. Establishing habits, stopping smoking and drinking, good food, and ex

A book full of great quotes. A reference book that should be read a little at a time.

A short book with lot of practical motivational stuff.

I would call this a concise, mostly stoic text. Similar to Epictetus.

Makes a ton of sense, and it is a great reminder that we have control over our thoughts and way of looking at the world.

it's interesting

Just another self motivating book that teaches the significance of being motivated

Short book. You can read it in one hour. Uplifting, and filled with a positive attitude. Your personalit is supreme and absolutely wonderful.

This book is all you've been begging for. (in my case). Answers to complicated question have all been given to me by this book.

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