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Orlando Furioso

Lodovico Ariosto

Book Overview: 

Charlemagne's nephew Orlando (AKA Roland) is driven insane by the infidelity of his beloved Angelica. Angelica's relationship with him and others loosely unifies multiple story lines to produce a rich tapestry of romance, fictionalized history, and pure fantasy. This romance-epic is a sequel to the less distinguished and unfinished romance Orlando Innamorato, by Mattteo Maria Boiardo.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Here beds are seen adorned with silk and gold;
  Nor of partition aught is spied or wall:
  For these, and floor beneath, throughout that hold,
  Are hid by curtains and by carpets all.
  Now here, now there, returns Orlando bold,
  Nor yet can glad his eyes, in bower or hall,
  With the appearance of the royal maid,
  Or the foul thief by whom she was conveyed.

  This while, as here and there in fruitless pain
  He moves, oppressed with thought and trouble sore,
  Gradasso, Brandimart, and him of Spain,
  Ferrau, he finds, with Sacripant and more;
  Who ever toiling, like himself, in vain
  Above, that building, and beneath explore,
  And as they wander, curse with one accord
  The malice of t. . . Read More

Community Reviews

I am in love with this book, and I have no idea why everybody isn't reading it all the time. It is a massively fun tale dealing with the exploits of the knights of Charlemagne. It moves incredibly quickly, seamlessly weaves together dozens of terrific stories, and gives the reader all the fulfillmen

This poem is about the siege of Paris by the Mauritanians and the Saracens. Christian King Charlemagne has to confront the African Agramand and his Mauritanian allies, who come from Spain. But this is not the only theme that dominates the poet's narrative.

Love is the greatest force that drives the t

"No soy yo, no lo soy? El que parezco:
Orlando ya está muerto y enterrado;
su ingratísima amada lo ha matado,
y faltando a su fe, lo ha sometido.
Yo soy su errante espíritu, que vaga
por este oscuro infierno, atormentado,
para dar con su sombra un escarmiento
a cuantos en Amor ponen su anhelo."

Cuando escuc

Drugo čitanje - 2024.

Tačno sedam godina je prošlo od prvog čitanja ovog kolosalnog Ariostovog vekovečnog epa koji mi se od tada za srce zalepio i tako je do dana današnjeg, gde stoji odmah pored Dantea.

Sad kad se osvrnem na utiske koje sam zapisao 2017. godine, jasno mi je da u to vreme ja nisam sh

Perhaps it speaks more to the age I live in than that of the author, but I'm always surprised to find a reasonable, rational mind on the other end of the pen. Though Ariosto's unusual work is full of prejudice and idealism, it is constantly shifting, so that now one side seems right, and now the oth

If I told you that you should read an early sixteenth century Italian verse epic whose primary themes are courtly love and chivalry, would you do it? What if I told you there's a new translation which abridges the massive original to a mere 700 pages? Too good to be true?

I know what you're thinking:

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