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Rose fidgeted, having heard every word that was said, and her face flushed; for she doubted not that Harry's ears were as good as her own. As for the man at the wheel, he turned the tobacco over in his mouth, hitched up his trousers, and appeared interested, though somewhat mystified—the conversation was what he would have termed "talking dictionary," and he had some curiosity to learn how the captain would work his way out of it. It is probable that Spike himself had some similar gleamings of the difficulties of his position, for he looked a little troubled, though still resolute. It was the first time he had ever lain yard-arm and yard-arm with a widow, and he had long entertained a fancy that such a situation was trying to the best of men.
"Yes, Madam Budd, yes," he said, "exper'ence and s. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
2 stars because I had a terrible time getting into this book and I wanted to read it being interested in the Dry Tortugas. The entire book is VERY heavy in nautical terms which made it difficult at times for someone without much of that knowledge to understand what was happening. The second half of