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Beethoven: A Character Study

George Alexander Fischer

Book Overview: 

A book of the life of the German Composer, Beethoven.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .The human qualities in him rebelled at the prospect. With the clairvoyance superinduced by much self-examination, he was able to forecast the vast scope of his powers, and the task that was set him. The whole future of the unapproachable artist that he was destined to become, was mirrored out to him almost at the beginning of his career, but he saw it only with apprehension and dread. There were periods when a narrower destiny would have pleased him more. "Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required." He at times recoiled from the task, and would have preferred death instead. This was probably the most unhappy period of his life. He had yet to learn the hardest lesson of all, resignation, renunciation. That harsh mandate enunciated by Goethe in Faust: "Entbären sollst du, sollst entbären," had been thrust on him with a force not to be gainsaid or evaded.

With such a man but one issue to the conflict was possible: obedience to the higher law. In. . . Read More

Community Reviews

A very good biographical work on Beethoven's life and works, written on the beginning of the 20th century. Not very long and thorough, but gives us a good glimpse of the character of the master.

Biografía de Beethoven de primeros del s. XX por lo que puede adolecer de información recientemente descubierta de la vida de Beethoven. He echado en falta algunos datos como el estreno conjunto de las sinfonías 5 y 6 y un mayor entusiasmo en el relato. No obstante da una visión bastante completa de


This is the third biography of Ludwig van Beethoven that I have read and I really enjoyed it. The spiritual and mystical feelings that permeate this writer 's book as they relate to the master's life I found truthful or at least it renewed in me my own thinking of the mas