Physician Assistant Exam Review

Brian Wallace PA-C

Podcast Overview

We review core medical knowledge on a continuous basis for the physician assistant preparing for the PANRE.

Podcast Episodes

S2 E024 Heart Block for the PANCE or PANRE

The dreaded topic of heart block and the #1 thing I recommend for the week of your exam.

The post S2 E024 Heart Block for the PANCE or PANRE appeared first on Physician Assistant Exam Review.

S2 E023 Ventricular Rhythms

PVCs, Tach, Torsades and more.

The post S2 E023 Ventricular Rhythms appeared first on Physician Assistant Exam Review.

S2 E022 Afib & Aflutter

Atrial fibrillation Fibrillation Muscular twitching involving individual muscle fibers acting WITHOUT coordination The most common chronic arrhythmia Onset is PSVT before becoming chronic First event will spontaneously convert 60% of the time within the first 24 hrs Risk Factors Can occur without any risk factors Chronic HTN Coronary artery disease Valve disorders Hyperthyroid Clinical presentation […]

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S2 E021 Introduction to Conduction Disorders

Today we cover an introduction to arrhythmias and getting job in surgery

The post S2 E021 Introduction to Conduction Disorders appeared first on Physician Assistant Exam Review.

S2 E20 Myocardial Infarction

Covering MI and more....

The post S2 E20 Myocardial Infarction appeared first on Physician Assistant Exam Review.

S2 E019 Ischemia

Discussing ischemia and attitude for the PANRE and the PANCE.

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S2 E018 Endocarditis, Pericarditis and Tamponade

Learn how to finally figure out the Duke criteria.

The post S2 E018 Endocarditis, Pericarditis and Tamponade appeared first on Physician Assistant Exam Review.

S2 E017 CHF and Hypotension

CHF and hypotension

The post S2 E017 CHF and Hypotension appeared first on Physician Assistant Exam Review.

S2 E016 Hypertension Medications

Everything you need to know about treating hypertension to pass the PANCE or the PANRE

The post S2 E016 Hypertension Medications appeared first on Physician Assistant Exam Review.

S2 E015 Black Friday Deal & Congenital Heart Defects

Congenital Heart defects for the PANCE and PANRE

The post S2 E015 Black Friday Deal & Congenital Heart Defects appeared first on Physician Assistant Exam Review.

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