Interviews with wise women, Lysa TerKeurst, Sally Clarkson, & Lisa-Jo Baker, help moms stayed centered in a shaky world.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a parenting manual? A plan you could follow with an outcome of awesome adult children AND no regrets about how you raised them? Well, in my opinion, today’s guest, Bonni Greiner, has practically done that for us. Bonni is the mom to eight children. Yep, that’s some street cred […]
What a slam dunk way to start off the Summer of Mentorship! In May of 2015, author, speaker & mentor, Vickie Kraft, invited me into her home to record this conversation. Vickie was the first women’s minister at our church and has mentored many of my mentors. She attended seminary. . .in her 50s. . […]
Balancing motherhood, career and identity through various seasons in our life may be one of the biggest challenges we face as women. This week’s podcast guest, Kat Armstrong, guides us through a biblical framework for answering some of the key questions surrounding our calling in Christ and our assignments in life. Whether you are a career […]
Jesus himself says that in this world we will have trouble. So why are we so surprised when the world seems crazy? We will all go through tough circumstances where we feel weak and unable to go on, but my guest Lisa Whittle shares how we can prepare for life’s storms by speaking God’s truths […]
How do you stop the cycle of generational pain and hurt? Jeff Henderson, a pastor of Gwinnett Church in Atlanta, teamed up with a few other dads to create a coming-of-age program for their 12-year-old sons. What started as a personal project is now a reproducible model for other fathers to connect with their sons […]
All-American soccer star Mo Isom shares her powerful testimony of meeting God in times of peace and adversity. Outwardly, her life seemed like a success, but she was battling an eating disorder, the suicide of her father, and a horrific car accident. It wasn’t until God wrecked her life that she fully realized the power […]
Inspired by medieval times and stories of brave knights, Heather Haupt created a Knight’s Code, based on the code of chivalry. She then trained her young sons to fight for what is right and good and defend the weak. Now, nearly five years later, Haupt has written a new book, “Knights in Training” exploring ten […]
Ever want to hear from the woman behind rock star kids? In this episode, Helen Smallbone, mother of 7 grown children including Christian music stars Joel and Luke Smallbone (For King & Country) and Rebecca St. James, shares stories of motherhood and practical advice she’s learned along the way. She and her husband moved their […]
You have been heard. In answer to y’all’s requests, today I’m chatting with certified special education teacher, Sara Furlich, about Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). As a mom to three girls, two of whom have been diagnosed with ADHD, Sara personally knows the impact of this disorder on home life. In this episode she answers […]
Imagine you see smoke coming out of the hood of your minivan. Then just seven minutes later from a safe distance you and your kids watch that van become engulfed in flames. Tragic and terrifying. But that smoke served as a warning. The van was not ‘fine’. And by heeding that warning, lives were saved. […]