All In The Mind - ABC Radio National

ABC Radio National

Podcast Overview

All In The Mind is Radio National's weekly foray into the mental universe, the mind, brain and behaviour - everything from addiction to artificial intelligence.

Podcast Episodes

A superhuman escape

Maude Julien was imprisoned by her father in an isolated mansion in France and subjected her to endless horrifying endurance tests in a plan to create a superhuman.

The creation of emotions

Are the emotions we experience the same as everyone else's? New research shows that emotions are not 'hard-wired', and are developed by our brains and our bodies as we go through life.

Contemplating happiness with Matthieu Ricard

Scientific studies have shown that your brain can be trained to be more compassionate; and together with altruism, it can generate a positive outlook for everyone.

The genetics of depression

Depression is the most disabling chronic condition worldwide and research is now underway to precisely identify the genes associated with it—the results may lead to dramatically improved and personalised treatment.

Connecting with baby

Emerging theories of child development suggest that a babies have agency over their movements even in the womb, and that their actions help them to make sense of the world.

The science of hedonism

Sex, drugs, and rock ‘n' roll. It’s a winning trifecta—no matter what the potential dangers are. Hear about the discovery of LSD, and the wide-ranging effects that music has on our brain.

The psychology of paedophilia

The psychology of paedophilia. Are there differences in the brains of paedophiles or is attraction to children on a universal continuum, controlled only by socialisation?

End of life care

At a specially designed palliative care unit at a leading Sydney hospital we hear from a patient about his needs and expectations for the final stages of his life—and the staff reflect on what they learn about their own priorities in life by caring for others.

When a healthy diet becomes an unhealthy obsession

We’re bombarded by blogs and social media with rules for healthy eating: quit sugar, go gluten-free, cut out carbs, eat paleo. But taking the rules too far could lead to an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating.

The food-mood connection

In the emerging field of nutritional psychiatry, the evidence is now building that particular foods could have a significant influence on our mental health—particularly depression.

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