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You Didn't Care

Santosh Jha

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Book Overview: 

Most men want their women bare. However, when women decide to unclothe their consciousnesses off the suffocating fabric of procrastination, men run away. A young woman, abandoned by her lover, bares it all for her ‘ex’ to see through. Because, she still loves him. Men need be in apt audience as a woman resonates her bosom baritone. A ‘neurotic’ woman’s monologue, men need to engage with.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Change is more constant in a woman's life! Adaptations are even more than constant. They are visceral to woman‟s consciousness and cognition. However, what is not in-built and intrinsic to all women is the mystically marvellous feminine grace and poise, which a woman of substance has to cultivate and nurture through persevered practice. This is not even easy as the milieus around her and popular culture she lives in has so many elements, which extend luscious invite to wear the protective cosmetic layer of neuroticism. However, thankfully, our woman in this story has this grace and poise... She writes... she makes it known to her "ex", which he never had the finesse and innocence to feel and accept. Her elegance, her poise and adaptive excellence extended her man the full chance to breathe the fragrance of a woman‟s deepest intents, when they were together and in good times. She knows he didn't care...". . . Read More