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The Writings of Abraham Lincoln - Volume 1: 1832

Abraham Lincoln

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The Writings of Abraham Lincoln - Volume 1: 1832 | Abraham Lincoln

The Writings of Abraham Lincoln - Volume 1: 1832

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The ways of thinking and feeling of the masses, of the plain people, were constantly present to his mind. The masses, the plain people, had to furnish the men for the fighting, if fighting was to be done. He believed that the plain people would be ready to fight when it clearly appeared necessary, and that they would feel that necessity when they felt themselves attacked. He therefore waited until the enemies of the Union struck the first blow. As soon as, on the 12th of April, 1861, the first gun was fired in Charleston harbor on the Union flag upon Fort Sumter, the call was sounded, and the Northern people rushed to arms.

Lincoln knew that the plain people were now indeed ready to fight in defence of the Union, but not yet ready to fight for the destruction of slavery. He declared openly that he had a right to summon the people to fight for the Union, but not to summon them to fight for the abolition of slavery as a primary object; and this declaration gave him numberless soldiers for the Union who at that period would have hesitated to do battle against the institution of slavery. For a time he succeeded in rendering harmless the cry of the partisan opposition that the Republican administration were perverting the war for the Union into an "abolition war." But when he went so far as to countermand the acts of some generals in the field, looking to the emancipation of the slaves in the districts covered by their commands, loud complaints arose from earnest antislavery men, who accused the President of turning his back upon the antislavery cause. Many of these antislavery men will now, after a calm retrospect, be willing to admit that it would have been a hazardous policy to endanger, by precipitating a demonstrative fight against slavery, the success of the struggle for the Union.

Lincoln's views and feelings concerning slavery had not changed. Those who conversed with him intimately upon the

P.S. 10/18/2017
I am amazed by the writings of this man who you have to think about being pretty much self taught and came from a world of terrible sadness and horror in American History
Bruce 06/21/2017
A collection of inestimable value and unsurpassed eloquence

To read these papers is to receive an education in history, politics, friendship, diplomacy, military affairs, finance, government, and foreign policy. But most of all it is to sit in wonder at Lincoln's massive powers of reasoning, his humi
Jeff and Kathy Valind 07/16/2015

Understanding the man and the season is at best incomplete without this book.
Looked forward to each evenings session with these volumes.
Maegan 03/05/2015
I actually loved this book! It was very descriptive in telling reliable information. It gave me more knowledge on Abraham Lincoln that I didn't know. Abraham Lincoln (In this book) was really into stopping slavery and that's what he was well known for. As I read more into the book, I had learned tha
Tessa 10/28/2014
Hannah 06/18/2012
I read this for my American Writers literature class. It was good stuff, but we didn't really dig deep.

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