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The Witch of Prague

F. Marion Crawford

Book Overview: 

The Wanderer is looking far and wide for the love of his life, Beatrice. Try as he may, he cannot find her again. Appealing to a witch might help, but instead of using her powers to help the lovers find one another again, Unorna keeps them apart as much as possible. Will there be a happy end?

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .ver had the least intention of taunting you, as you express it, and as for your humour—can you suppose that I could expect to command, where it is only mine to obey?"

"It is of no use to talk in that way," said Unorna, haughtily. "I am not prepared to be deceived by your comedy this time."

"Nor I to play one. Since I have offended you, I ask your pardon. Forgive the expression, for the sake of the meaning; the thoughtless word for the sake of the unworded thought."

"How cleverly you turn and twist both thoughts and words!"

"Do not be so unkind, dear friend."

"Unkind to you? I wish I had the secret of some unkindness that you should feel!"

"The knowledge of what I can feel is mine alone," answered Keyork, with a touch of sadness. "I am not a happy man. The world, for me, holds but one interest and one friendship. Destroy the one, or embitter the other, and Keyork's remnant of life becomes but a foreta. . . Read More

Community Reviews

The rating is for Crawford's horror short stories, included in this volume, and not for the rather melodramatic late-gothic title novel.

A collection of supernatural short stories plus the full length novel 'The Witch of Prague'. Very gothic and atmospheric.

It seems ridiculous that I m going to rate this book without having read The Witch of Prague. Maybe I will get to it one day, but the whole reason why I bought it was for the short stories. It sat on my shelf for a decade because I didn’t feel like reading the poorly reviewed novel that came with it

This is essentially two books: a collection of his short stories, and the novel-length Witch of Prague. You probably might not want to read the whole thing straight through, although doing so does set it all in a sort of context. Francis Marion Crawford's horror is often redemptive (characters saved

Man searches world for the woman he loves, gets to Prague and falls under the spell of a hypnotist/witch. Truth and good finally prevail.

Lots of ghost stories, some scarier than others. My favorites were "For the Blood is the Life", a very creepy vampire story and "The Upper Berth", a suspenseful ghost story that takes place on a ship.

"The Witch of Prague" was a little long and very "Romantic" in its style. Lots of description of a m

F. Marion crawford fue un escritor muy popular en su época, sobre todo por sus novelas históricas. A día de hoy hay algunas de ellas publicadas, pero gran parte del interés que despierta es por sus relatos sobrenaturales.

-The screaming skull - ***** -> Es un relato muy curioso. Está narrado en 2ª pe

The short story "Man Overboard" is great and a few others such as "The Doll's Ghost" are worth reading. The novel The Witch of Prague has a fascinating story but is marred by overripe prose, cartoonish characters, pretentious philosophizing, and wild anti-Semitism.

Do you want some really good horror stories?

Well, presuming for just a moment that you want horror stories, then obviously you’re going to prefer really good ones to rubbish ones, aren’t you? And that being the case, then I have the man for you.

F. Marion Crawford was apparently a successful writer i

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