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The Wise Woman

George MacDonald

Book Overview: 

The Wise Woman fairy tale was one of MacDonald’s more popular works. This delightful story describes how a woman of mysterious powers pays visits to two very different young girls: one a princess, the other a shepherd’s daughter. Neither girl is left unchanged by the startling events that are unleashed as a result: and the reader is confronted by astonishing fairy-worlds in which the girls are forced to choose between good and evil.

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Community Reviews

My first time reading George MacDonald, and I really enjoyed it. He definitely packs a lot of morality into his fairytales. Although this tends to be more of the kind, helping morality rather than the Grimm Brothers watch out or your eyes will be pecked out by birds morality (both of which I like fo

While I technically only finished the first short story in this book (The Wise Woman), I’m marking it as finished because that is what I set out to read.

This was such an incredible story (allegory), convicting and challenging me painfully but beautifully. 100% recommend. Claire thoroughly enjoyed t

Always an enjoyable collection to read - I absolutely love how imaginative and beautiful each story is!

Pamätám si na svoje prvé čítanie MacDonalda. Dni sa pre mňa zmenili na nepoznanie. Spôsob akým človeku nenásilne ponúka príležitosť nie úteku pred realitou, ale ponorenia do nej prostredníctvom rozprávkového sveta, ktorý tvorí na jej obraz, pre mňa bolo niečim úplne novým, nepomenovateľným, a predsa

A charming, sardonically told, collection of fairy stories.

As a short story, and as a life lesson, 'The Wise Woman' is not very far short of perfection. Its length gives MacDonald scope to explore the theme of redemptive 'tough love' with the requisite thoroughness, and his gifts as a narrator and-in the most positive sense-a preacher are in full evidence h

George MacDonald is nowadays primarily remembered for being an influence on Tolkein and Lewis. A few of the stories in here were preachy, but I was fascinated by what exactly they were preaching. Modern books teach children to be confident, assertive, and most of all to have a feeling of self worth.

The title story of this collection is exactly what you would expect of a fairy tale written by a minister and subtitled 'a parable', which is to say it's not particularly fantastical, and feels a great deal like reading a sermon. Condescending and blandly didactic--MacDonald never lets an image or s

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