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Way of the Lawless

Max Brand

Book Overview: 

Young Andrew Lanning made one mistake in the beginning, and now the most feared lawman in the mountain desert, Hal Dozier, is on his trail and will stop at nothing to bring the outlaw Lanning to justice. But is Andrew guilty of all the things he is being accused of? There is one, a pretty young girl, who doesn't believe all she hears about him. Again, Max Brand shows us why he is the master of the pulp western.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Andy than he whitened. The pinto had been worked hard that morning and all the night before, but now Andy sent the spurs home without mercy as he shot up the basin at full speed, with his revolver drawn, ready for a snap shot and a drop behind the far side of his horse.

For half an hour he rode in this fashion with his heart beating at his teeth. And each cañon as he passed was empty, and each had some shrub, like a crouching man, to startle him and upraise the revolver. At length, with the pinto wheezing from this new effort, he drew back to an easier gait. But still he had a companion ceaselessly following like the shadow of the horse he rode. It was fear, and it would never leave him.


After that forced and early rising, the rest of the house had remained awake, but Anne Withero was gifted with an exceptionally strong set of nerves. She had gone back to bed and fallen promptly into a pleasant sleep. And . . . Read More

Community Reviews

When I was a boy, this was the first western I ever read. From then on, I would stroll over to the adventure paperbacks at the library and look for Max Brand. Sure, I like Zane Grey and Louis Lamour, but Max Brand was my guy. Later, I found out that it was a pen name for Frederick Faust and I rememb

I listened to this as an audiobook read by voice actor Roger Clark, the guy who voiced Arthur Morgan in the incredible game Red Dead Redemption 2. The cowboy fantasy was real y'all. Roger Clark delivers it perfectly. He naturally just has a voice like warm milk and whiskey and I could listen to him

Published in 1919, this tells the story of Andrew/Andy, raised by his uncle to shoot and ride horses. Andrew is content with living a quiet life in a Western town, until a bully picks a fight. Andy knocks him out, and the guy hits his head on a rock. Andy goes on the run, thinking he's a murderer an

Andy just seemed kind of like a mild-mannered Clark Kent. His uncle, who raised him, was disappointed that he never really stood up for himself, even though the uncle put him through rigorous gun slinging exercises and good old fashioned cowboy training for years. Then all of the sudden, Andy finds

A classic western! You will not be disappointed!

A good yarn well told. Many Western stories have the good man forced into unfortunate circumstances and then branded as an outlaw. Yet this takes that story and does a lot with it offering plenty of tensions and suspense and an interesting hero. It also had one of most surprising endingst. One hat s

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