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The Wars of the Jews
Flavius Josephus
Book Overview:
The Wars of the Jews is a book written by the 1st century Jewish historian Josephus.
It is a description of Jewish history from the capture of Jerusalem by the Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 164 BC to the fall and destruction of Jerusalem in the First Jewish-Roman War in AD 70. The book was written about 75, it was later translated into Greek, probably under the supervision of Josephus himself.
The Wars of the Jews is a book written by the 1st century Jewish historian Josephus.
It is a description of Jewish history from the capture of Jerusalem by the Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 164 BC to the fall and destruction of Jerusalem in the First Jewish-Roman War in AD 70. The book was written about 75, it was later translated into Greek, probably under the supervision of Josephus himself.
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7. When she had said this, she brought the box, which had a small quantity of this potion in it: but the king let her alone, and transferred the tortures to Antiphilus's mother and brother; who both confessed that Ant. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
This short book is a " must" for those interested in roman military organisation. Search for the famous quote " their exercises unbloody battles, and their battles bloody exercises.". It must also be of great interest to students of Jewish and Christian history.
This edition has useful additional in
I read it but only because I felt the need to read a book I have hear of for years. However I could just as easily watched the news since 7 Oct 2023 to get a flavor of what is happening then and now.
A very detailed and true account of the Jewish turmoil at the turn of BC/AD.
It's almost like Jesus knew this was going to happen (e.g. Mt 24 & Lk 21). This really is a crucial work which I'm glad to finally have worked through. It is incredible that in God casting off the unbelieving branches (Rm. 11), made way for the heathen nations to be brought into the Kingdom of God.