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Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit

Joel Chandler Harris

Book Overview: 

Uncle Remus' stories feature a trickster hero called Br'er Rabbit ("Brother" Rabbit), who uses his wits to slide out of trouble and gain the advantage over the slower witted other animals, many of whom are trying to eat him. Br'er Rabbit stories were mostly collected directly from the afro-american oral story-telling tradition and are said to be a direct interpretation of Yoruba tales of Hare. This book contains 11 unique stories and was the last one published before the author's death.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .!’

“Wid dat, Brer Rabbit bow’d, he did, an’ went back down de road like de dogs wuz atter ’im.”

“But what happened then?” the little boy asked. “Nothin’ ’t all,” replied Uncle Remus, taking up the chuckle where he had left off. “De creeturs aint had no dance, an’ when dey went ter Miss Meadows’, she put her head out de winder, an’ say ef dey don’t go off fum dar she’ll have de law on um!”


“Uv all de creeturs”, said Uncle Remus, in response to a questioning took on the part of the little boy, “ol Brer B’ar had de biggest an’ de warmest house. I dunner why ner wharfo’, but I’m a-tellin’ you de plain fack, des ez dey to!’ it unter me. Ef I kin he’p it I never will be deceivin’ you, ner lead you inter no bad habit. . . Read More

Community Reviews

I hesitated before reviewing this

I hesitated before reviewing this. These days it is looked upon with derision as being racist among other things. Once I got past the current trend, I realized how much I miss the simplicity of a well told tale. These are beautiful stories retold lovingly by Joel Cha

ENGLISH: I liked more the stories included in "Song of the South" by Disney. Perhaps part of the problem was that Uncle Remus speaks almost incomprehensible.

ESPAÑOL: Me gustaron más las historias del "hermano Rabito" incluidas en la película de Disney, "canción del Sur". Quizá parte del problema sea

Давно хотів її перечитати, і от випала нагода. Доньці С. книжка дуже зайшла.
Тож на її замовлення я її читав і перед сном, і рано-вранці, вона її носила в садок (і там переконала виховательку, що треба всім почитати).
Братиків Кролика та Лиса я пам'ятаю з дитинства (і мама пригадує їх ще зі своїх дитя

Бувають речі, які чітко асоціюються з якимись подіями, з місцями, обставинами, із запахами, звуками чи навіть вітром... Такими для мене (та й для сина та чоловіка, впевнена) є Братик Лис і Братик Кролик. Оці самі, про яких розповідає дядечко Римус у серії своїх книг, але тільки з мультика. Тому й чи

I think this reminds me of the stories my grandfather used to tell me. The book is quite politically incorrect for these days and times, but not considered so in those days. As far as I am concerned as a voice in the wilderness, this is a good book. Some of us black and white grew up with these para

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