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Told After Supper

Jerome K. Jerome

Book Overview: 

It is Christmas Eve, and the narrator, his uncle and sundry other local characters are sitting round the fire drinking copious quantities of whiskey punch and telling ghost stories until bedtime, when…

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Book Excerpt: 

It was Christmas Eve! Christmas Eve at my Uncle John's; Christmas Eve (There is too much 'Christmas Eve' about this book. I can see that myself. It is beginning to get monotonous even to me. But I don't see how to avoid it now.) at No. 47 Laburnham Grove, Tooting! Christmas Eve in the dimly-lighted (there was a gas-strike on) front parlour, where the flickering fire-light threw strange shadows on the highly coloured wall-paper, while without, in the wild street, the storm raged pitilessly, and the wind, like some unquiet spirit, flew, moaning, across the square, and passed, wailing with a troubled cry, round by the milk-shop.

We had had supper, and were sitting round, talking and smoking.

We had had a very good supper—a very good supper, indeed. Unpleasantness has occurred since, in our family, in connection with this party. Rumours have been put about in our family, . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Pročitala dva puta, i oba puta otplakala od smeha.

«Era la vigilia di Natale.... Il fantasma inglese medio adora profetizzare le sventure.»

England, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one... maybe...


È la vigilia di Natale. Il narratore si trova a casa di suo zio John, al 47 di Laburnham Grove, a Tooting.
Nel salotto debolmente illuminato..

As it is said : Ghosts come out on Christmas eve, it is the proper thing to do. Everybody in ghostland who is anybody - or rather, speaking of ghosts, one should say, I suppose, every nobody who is any nobody - comes out to show himself. For that reason, I have read this book and written this review

Ho un nipotino, 7 anni, che adora le storie di fantasmi. Ogni volta che resta di sera a casa mia, vuole che accenda il fuoco, poi spenge tutte le luci, dispone plaid e cuscini per terra tra tavolini e poltrone a formare una nicchia. Crea l'atmosfera insomma! E a questo punto vuole che mi metta a sed

This wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. I was fishing around and looking for something like a traditional English Christmas Eve ghost story. And that’s how I came across this book.

Instead, this book is a parody of that whole tradition. It is extremely funny as a lampoon of that tradition. The stor

È sempre la Vigilia di Natale, nelle storie di fantasmi. [...] Oh, che notte eccitante, la notte del ventiquattro dicembre, nel Paese dei fantasmi!

Un libretto piccino picciò che vedrei bene tra le mani di un bambino, per quanto i racconti sono leggeri, ironici e divertenti. Certo, a me adulta hanno

And not only do the ghosts themselves always walk on Christmas Eve, but live people always sit and talk about them on Christmas Eve. Whenever five or six English-speaking people meet round a fire on Christmas Eve, they start telling each other ghost stories. Nothing satisfies us on Christmas Eve but

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