Mile after mile was passed over in perfect silence, save now and then when the driver would whistle a few bars of some very dismal tune that would fairly make Toby shiver with its mournfulness. Eighteen miles was the distance from Guilford to the town where the next performance of the circus was to be given, and as Toby thought of the ride before them it seemed as if the time would be almost interminable. He curled himself up on one corner of the seat, and tried very hard to go to sleep; but just as his eyes began to grow heavy the wagon would jolt over some rock or[Pg 39] sink deep in some rut, till Toby, the breath very nearly shaken out of his body, and his neck almost dislocated, would sit bolt-upright, clinging to the seat with both hands, as if he expected each moment to be pitched out into the mud.
The driver watched him closely, and each time that he saw him shaken up and awakened so thoroughly he would indulge in one of his silent laughing spells, until Toby would wonder whether he would ever recover from it. Several times had Toby been awakened, and each time he had seen the amusement his sufferings caused, until he finally resolved to put an end to the sport by keeping awake.
"What is your name?" he asked of the driver, thinking a conversation would be the best way to rouse himself into wakefulness.
"Waal," said the driver, as he gathered the reins carefully in one hand, and seemed to be debating in his mind how he should answer the question, "I don't know as I know myself, it's been so long since I've heard it."
Toby was wide enough awake now, as this rather singular problem was forced upon his mi
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Children's Bad Words
Mild Obscenities & Substitutions - 1 Incident: stupid
Name Calling - 1 Incident: lazybones
Religious & Supernatural - None
Conversation Topics - 5 Incidents: A boy is ungrateful and decides to runaway from home and join the circus. He deeply regrets his decision, learns