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The Titan

Theodore Dreiser

Book Overview: 

Cowperwood moves to Chicago with his new wife Aileen. He decides to take over the street-railway system. He bankrupts several opponents with the help of John J. McKenty and other political allies. Meanwhile, Chicago society finds out about his past in Philadelphia and the couple are no longer invited to dinner parties; after a while, the press turns on him too. Cowperwood is unfaithful many times. Aileen finds out about a certain Rita and beats her up. She gives up on him and has an affair with Polk Lynde, a man of privilege; she eventually loses faith in him. Meanwhile, Cowperwood meets young Berenice Fleming. This is Book 2 of Trilogy Of Desire.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .He felt sorry for her. At the same time he was inclined to feel that perhaps now another type of woman would be better for him socially. If he had a harder type, one with keener artistic perceptions and a penchant for just the right social touch or note, how much better he would do! He came home bringing a Perugino, brilliant examples of Luini, Previtali, and Pinturrichio (this last a portrait of Caesar Borgia), which he picked up in Italy, to say nothing of two red African vases of great size that he found in Cairo, a tall gilt Louis Fifteenth standard of carved wood that he discovered in Rome, two ornate candelabra from Venice for his walls, and a pair of Italian torcheras from Naples to decorate the corners of his library. It was thus by degrees that his art collection was growing.

At the same time it should be said, in the matter of women and the sex question, his judgment and views had begun to change tremendously. When he had first met Aileen he had . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Во второй книге трилогии Теодор Драйзер начинает движение от Фрэнка Каупервуда-финансиста и махинатора к Фрэнку Каупервуду-интригану, изменнику и любителю женских прелестей.
Для тех, кто был восхищен тем, насколько подробно и ловко были описаны все действия Каупервуда на его финансовом поприще, наста

It kept my interest long enough to finish reading it. Since the main character is a bourgeois capitalist pig-dog, and he's opposed only by other such characters, it's hard to find any real empathy for anyone in the entire book (except for maybe one of the women he screws over).

Less a follow-up to than an extension of Dreiser's _The Financier_. Whereas in that novel Frank Cowperwood's romantic relationships are ancillary to his financial speculation and relationship-building, in _The Titan_ Cowperwood's philanderings and the development of his inner aesthete take precedenc

Che trio incredibile di capitalisti filibustieri ha sfornato la letteratura nell’arco di quarant’anni: da Aristide Saccard, protagonista de
Il denaro
di Zola del 1891, a Frank Algernon Cowperwood in Il Titano di Theodore Dreiser del 1914 per finire a Macheath detto Mackie Messer, in
Il romanz

I'm a big fan of this guy's work, and really dug this one. In it, he traces the rise and rise and rise of a budding robber baron against the expanding Chicago skyline. They kind of grow together. I don't wanna spoil how it ends, but I was surprised by what didn't happen- and the moral here seems to

How strange are realities as opposed to illusion! (c)
Rushing like a great comet to the zenith, his path a blazing trail, Cowperwood did for the hour illuminate the terrors and wonders of individuality. (c)
And this giant himself, rushing on to new struggles and new difficulties in an older land

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