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Three Men on the Bummel

Jerome K. Jerome

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Three Men on the Bummel | Jerome K. Jerome

Three Men on the Bummel

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Some time after “Three Men in a Boat”, George, Harris and Jerome decided to go on a cycling holiday through Germany.

This relaxed and gently humorous story of the three friends wandering in and around the Black Forest is colored by anecdotes, odd tales and Jerome’s comments on the German people and their way of life.
Then you will clamour for people to tell you where you put the oil-can, and what you have done with the screw-hammer.  Then, while you exert yourself holding the thing steady against a tree, you will suggest that somebody else should clean the chain and pump the back wheel.”

I felt there was justice in George’s rebuke—also a certain amount of prophetic wisdom.  I said:

“Forgive me if I seemed unresponsive.  The truth is, Harris was round here this morning—”

George said: “Say no more; I understand.  Besides, what I came to talk to you about was another matter.  Look at that.”

He handed me a small book bound in red cloth.  It was a guide to English conversation for the use of German travellers.  It commenced “On a Steam-boat,” and terminated “At the Doctor’s”; its longest chapter being devoted to conversation in a railway carriage, among, apparently, a compartment load of quarrelsome and ill-mannered lunatics: “Can you not get further away from me, sir?”—“It is impossible, madam; my neighbour, here, is very stout”—“Shall we not endeavour to arrange our legs?”—“Please have the goodness to keep your elbows down”—“Pray do not inconvenience yourself, madam, if my shoulder is of any accommodation to you,” whether intended to be said sarcastically or not, there was nothing to indicate—“I really must request you to move a little, madam, I can hardly breathe,” the author’s idea being, presumably, that by this time the whole party was mixed up together on the floor.  The chapter concluded with the phrase, “Here we are at our destination, God be thanked!  (Gott sei dank!)” a pious exclamation, which un

Henry 10/11/2024
Before our little jaunt into yesteryear, I must confess ... miss the irreplaceable dog, and his charismatic presence ...this sequel to , Three Men in a Boat, a hilarious story, lacks the forward charge of the indomitable animal, (more human than many) where is the fearless leader , Montmorency ? Thr
Razvan 12/15/2023
Strange or perhaps not, I'm part of the minority which appreciate this novel being a far better book than its more famous older sister, Three Men on a Boat. On a boat it is a series of pathetic troubles in which three awful morons got stuck, The Bummel is mostly a travel journal.
None of them did ma
Prabhjot 05/15/2021
Three Men on the Bummel is a sequel to the hilarious Three Men in a Boat. In this, the trio go on a bicycle trip to Germany without the dog. Whilst it was an endearing read, it didn't measure up to the previous book in the series.

It had its moments. Some parts were hilarious, others just fell flat.
Majenta 05/31/2019
Trish 04/16/2018
This is the second book about the three London-based friends going on an adventure. This time, some years have passed since the boat trip, the dog is no longer with them, and two of them are married.

It's all about escaping, once again, and romping through a countryside without having the first clue
Riku 09/01/2013

The Bummel provides too few laughs in comparison to The Boat (say one laugh for every ten pages, instead of ten laughs for every page).

Besides, the linear narrative does not agree with the three men. Yes, the anecdotes were missed (to say nothing of the dog).
Lorenzo 08/29/2011
This is the zenith, the summit, the highest peak reached by a certain kind of British humour I like.
Those who are keen of PG Wodehouse may object a couple of things to this remark and probably they have their point: the thing is that I never read anything by Wodehouse (by the way: from which book s

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