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Thinking As A Science

Henry Hazlitt

285 ratings
Thinking As A Science | Henry Hazlitt

Thinking As A Science

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Written in a conversational style that will appeal to the younger person as well as seasoned professional, "Thinking as a Science" is timeless classic. Through eleven chapters, the last being a descriptive, annotated bibliography, Henry Hazlitt systematically takes the step-by-step on the process of introducing logic and context into the thinking process. The rather long chapter on "Reading and Thinking" clarifies several notions on where one needs to understand where mere knowledge acquisition ends and using reading the stimulate thinking begins. For an individual who was largely self taught, Hazlitt's contribution to the process of thinking is a must-read
Satpreet 04/07/2024

Thinking without a problem in mind is of not much use. Thinking without knowing how you are thinking is bad practice. Be aware of common thinking methods such as a priori, comparative, empirical, experimental, etc. Thinking is always done via a chain of associative thoughts. Concentration is pic
Sotiris 09/19/2022
Henry Hazlitt was a self-educated man and great intellectual of the last century. This book was published in 1916. About the same time as another great book called The Scientific Management, which has influenced manufacturing and production worldwide for 100 years.

Im writing this becouse this book i
Nina 10/10/2017
its a mix of self-help, econ, psychology and individualism. i loved it. i recommend it to everyone, but in special to procrastinators, or folks with problems with thought process.
Tanvika 02/07/2017
True to its title, the book pursues thinking as a science. Thinking here is not for amusement, but to solve a problem. The larger problems can be broken down into subsidiary problems. For example, what should be the sphere of the government? can be asked specifically as: should the government interf
Davíð 01/15/2017
Short lesson in best practices in thinking. Mostly describes common thinking patterns and either discusses how to improve them and why, or why we should forgo them.
Easy to read, ideas and concepts explained carefully. So immersive that I read it cover to cover (only 250 pages) in one sitting. Easily

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