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The Tale of the Pie and the Patty Pan
Beatrix Potter
Book Overview:
It tells of a cat called Ribby and a tea party she holds for a dog called Duchess. Complications arise when Duchess tries to replace Ribby's mouse pie with her own veal and ham pie, and then believes she has swallowed a small tin pastry form called a patty-pan. Its themes are etiquette and social relations in a small town.
It tells of a cat called Ribby and a tea party she holds for a dog called Duchess. Complications arise when Duchess tries to replace Ribby's mouse pie with her own veal and ham pie, and then believes she has swallowed a small tin pastry form called a patty-pan. Its themes are etiquette and social relations in a small town.
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Duchess went into her larder and took the pie off a shelf and looked at it.
"It is all ready to put into the oven. Such lovely pie-crust; and I put in a little tin patty-pan to hold up the crust; and I made a hole in the middle with a fork to let out the steam—Oh I do wish I could eat my own pie, instead of a pie made of mouse!"
Duchess considered and considered and read Ribby's letter again—
"A pink and white pie-dish—and you shall eat it all. 'You' means me—then Ribby is not going to even taste the pie herself? A pink and white pie-dish! Ribby is sure to go out to buy the muffins.... Oh what a good idea! Why shouldn't I rush along and put my pie into Ribby's oven when Ribby isn't there?"
Duchess was . . . Read More
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Community Reviews
a cat and dog having afternoon tea, if only.
when the little doggie balanced the sugar
This is a tale involving a pussy-cat named Ribby and a lovely little dog named Duchess. And Ribby invites Duchess to tea, an invitation that Duchess accepts with the proviso that the something delicious promised by Ribby does not include mouse in it!
And, along with a dual oven, one top, one bottom,
At first I wasn't sure if I liked the mix of black-and-white illustrations alongside Beatrix's gorgeous watercolours, but I have been turned completely: they add another dimension, especially to the longer stories, of which I am more fond of. Her shorter stories are fine, but you don't get her enthu
This was a weird sort of story. It's about a dinner party and it's all about the guest of the dinner party messing with the food of the host. It feels like the story is selling deceit. The pie in question is a mouse pie and the little dog doesn't want to eat mouse pie. The kids didn't seem to be as