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Swan Song

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Book Overview: 

In 'The Swan Song' an aging actor reminisces about his life and the parts he's played. The piece takes a tragic look at ambition and the sacrifices that must be made in order to succeed. Chekhov’s ability to capture and explore human nature and experience is showcased here.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .n these early writings the protest against conventions and rules, which he afterward put into Treplieff's reply to Sorin in "The Sea-Gull": "Let us have new forms, or else nothing at all."

In 1884 he took his degree as doctor of medicine, and decided to practise, although his writing had by now taken on a professional character. He always gave his calling a high place, and the doctors in his works are drawn with affection and understanding. If any one spoke slightingly of doctors in his presence, he would exclaim: "Stop! You don't know what country doctors do for the people!"

Tchekoff fully realised later the influence which his profession had exercised on his literary work, and sometimes regretted the too vivid insight it gave him, but, on the other hand, he was able to write: "Only a doctor can know what value my knowledge of science has been to me," and "It seems to me that as a doctor I have described the sicknesses of the soul correctly." For in. . . Read More

Community Reviews

موضوع نمایشنامه آواز قو راجع ناامیدی، شکست و داستان تراژیک زندگی سویتلوویدوف است. این نمایش با موضوعات جدی و تکان دهنده پر شده است. 

شخصیت اصلی داستان که روزگاری نام و شهرتی بر هم زده و چشم ها با دیدنش و اجرای او متحیر می‌شوند در خلوت خود شکننده و تنها است.

نمایشنامه بسیار کوتاهی است و هر صحبتی راجعش

نام نمایشنامه "اواز قو" به یک باور باستانی اشاره دارد که قوها درست قبل از مرگشان آواز زیبایی می‌خوانند، زیرا بیشتر عمرشان ساکت بوده‌اند.
سوتلاویدوف در ۶۸ سالگی درحالی که نقش دلقکی را بازی میکند و در سراشیبی مرگ و یاس است به این سوال اساسی میرسد که برای ماندگار بودن چه کرده است؟
او میداند که تماشاگران

This is a one-act plays for people who have a special feeling for acting in a theater. It is a short short play with only two characters, a leading actor who wakes up at night having fallen asleep after acting in a play, and Nikita, a prompter who lives in the theater;. Even at this early stage in h

ما قاتل روز های خود ایم تا زمانی که آنان را برای تصور فردایی خیالی سلاخی می کنیم

پایان اخرین اثر پروژه چخوف..

یکی از کوتاهترین نمایشنامه های چخوف با موضوعی در ستایش تئاتر و بازیگران تئاتر

Feeling it.

I could feel the main character's despair, his joy, then despair again. He had given his life to entertain others, pouring himself into his career, and neglected to live his life to the full. That's a theme that will never be outdated. Regrets not of things done, but of opportunities not

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