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The Story of the Barbary Corsairs

Stanley Lane-Poole

52 ratings
The Story of the Barbary Corsairs | Stanley Lane-Poole

The Story of the Barbary Corsairs

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A history of the pirating activities along and around the "Barbary coast" between the 15th and 19th centuries, from the time of the pirate, Ujra Barbarossa, to the French control of Algeria in 1830. Although piracy had plagued all the world's waterways from the first time man decided to trade by boat or ship, authors Lane-Poole and Kelley tell mainly of the origins and "Golden Age" of the Moor pirates who rampaged the Mediterranean Sea from ports of call along the north coast of Africa.
"pagenum">[Pg 35] understanding with him on the subject of royalties on stolen goods. The ports of Tunis were made free to the Corsair, and the king would protect him from pursuit, for the consideration of a fixed share—a fifth—of the booty. The policy of the enlightened rulers of Tunis evidently no longer suited their latest representative.

The base of operations thus secured, Urūj did not keep his new ally long waiting for a proof of his prowess. One day he lay off the island of Elba, when two galleys-royal, belonging to his Holiness Pope Julius II., richly laden with goods from Genoa, and bound for Cività Vecchia, hove in sight. They were rowing in an easy, leisurely manner, little dreaming of Turkish Corsairs, for none such had ever been seen in those waters, nor anything bigger than a Moorish brigantine, of which the Papal marines were prepared to give a good account. So the two galleys paddled on, some ten leagues asunder, and Urūj Reïs marked his prey down. It was no light adventure for a galleot of eighteen banks of oars to board a royal galley of perhaps twice her size, and with no one could tell how many armed men inside her. The Turkish crew remonstrated at such foolhardiness, and begged their captain to look for a foe of their own size: but for reply Urūj only cast most of the oars overboard, and thus made escape impossible. Then he lay to and awaited the foremost galley She came on, proudly, unconscious of danger. Suddenly her look-out spied Turkish turbans—a strange sight on the Italian coast—and in a panic of confusion her company beat to arms. The vessels were now alongside,[Pg 36] and a smart volley of shot and bolts completed the consternation of the Christians. Urūj and

Ellis 09/27/2019
This book was pretty much as expected. The history is very much out of date, and Lane-Poole wears his British on every page. I didn't read it for balance, I read it for the anecdotes, and Lane-Poole came through on that.

Older histories, especially 19thc ones, always get off to a slow start. You have
César 03/26/2016
"The Barbary Corsairs" or "The Story of the Barbary Corsairs", a very entertaining and interesting read, published in 1890 and a good way to get acquainted with the problem of pirates in the Mediterranean between the 16th and 19th centuries. It then extends on French colonialism in the 19th century,
Elliott 04/10/2015
This review formerly published on Amazon for what may be another edition.

"The island of Lesbos has given many gifts to the world - Lesbian wine and Lesbian verse, the seven-stringed lyre, and the poems of Sappho; but of all its products the latest was assuredly the most questionable, for the last gr

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