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Stories Varied

Bs Murthy

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Book Overview: 

"This is a collection of the author’s short stories that deals with women's
dilemmas in the Indian social milieu accompanied with unique denouements.

While 'Ilaa's Ire' contrasts woman's lot of the day with her eminence in the
Vedic Age, '201' Qualms"" depicts her predicament, torn between personal
loyalty and citizen's responsibility.

As ""?"" addresses woman's marital stress in an alien land, 'Cupid's Clue' is
about her acting on rebound in her native place.

Even as 'Autumn Love' lets woman discover the marital void in her life, 'A
Touchy Affair' makes her amenable to her man's other woman.

Just as 'Love's How's That' inflames woman's old flame, 'A Hearty Turn'
brings her innate lesbian leanings to the fore.

If 'Love Jihad' bridges lovers' religious divide with a secular plank, 'Tenth
Nook' creates her marital gulf on the materialistic ground.

While 'Eleventh Hour' is about woman's lust for love, 'Twelfth Tale'
underscores her zest for power."

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Handling the handbag that she gave her, Sudha said that after alighting the train at Lonavala, she could take a detour to exit the station before which she would transfer the burka into it for its suitable disposal thereafter, and that should bring the perfect murder to its legal closure.’ ‘It could as well have been,’ she thought, and after reflecting for a while, she picked up her iPhone, to compose a message to Sudha for record, as anyway, her smartphone was inoperative still. ‘Won’t my action amount to betrayal of trust?’ she thought pausing to press the ‘send’ button. ‘Could be, but law doesn’t have riders to it when it comes to complying with it. But had Sudha kept it all to herself, maybe for all that, she could have got away with it? Well, that is life in spite of law, and law regardless of love. But is it not ironical that she had accentuated mine own sense of duteousness, which would eventually undo her and me too thereby.’. . . Read More