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The Stars, My Brothers

Edmond Hamilton

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The Stars, My Brothers | Edmond Hamilton

The Stars, My Brothers

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Edmond Hamilton had a career that began as a regular and frequent contributor to Weird Tales magazine. The first hardcover publication of Science Fiction stories was a Hamilton compilation, and he and E.E. “Doc” Smith are credited with the creation of the Space Opera type of story. He worked for DC Comics authoring many stories for their Superman and Batman characters. Hamilton was also married to fellow author Leigh Brackett. – Published in the May, 1962 issue of Amazing Stories “The Stars, My Brothers” gives us a re-animated astronaut plucked from a century in the past and presented with an alien world where the line between humans and animals is blurred.
lue and intense, and they gave Kieran the feeling that this man was a wound-up spring. He looked down and said,

"How do you feel, Kieran?"

Kieran looked up at him. He asked, "Am I in a starship?"


"But there aren't any starships."

"There are. You're in one." The sandy-haired man added, "My name is Vaillant."

It's true, what he says, murmured the something in Kieran's mind.

"Where—how—" Kieran began.

Vaillant interrupted his stammering question. "As to where, we're quite a way from Earth, heading right now in the general direction of Altair. As to how—" He paused, looking keenly down at Kieran. "Don't you know how?"

Of course I know. I was frozen, and now I have been awakened and time has gone by—

Vaillant, looking searchingly down at his face, showed a trace of relief. "You do know, don't you? For a moment I was afraid it hadn't worked."

He sat down on the edge of the bunk.

"How long?" asked Kieran.

Vaillant answered as casually as though it was the most ordinary question in the world. "A bit over a century."

It was wonderful, thought Kieran, how he could take a statement like that without getting excited. It was almost as though he'd known it all the time.

"How—" he began, when there was an interruption.

Something buzzed thinly in the pocket of Vaillant's shirt. He took out a thin three-inch disk of metal and said sharply into it,


A tiny voice squawked from the disk. It was too far from Kieran for him to understand what it was saying but it had a note of excitement, almost of panic, in it.

Something changed, hardened, in Vaillant's flat face. He said, "I expected it. I'll be right there. You know what to do."

He did somethin

Jamie 10/09/2021
Hamilton takes on some weighty themes like sexism and prejudice against the backdrop of an interesting sci-fi mini adventure involving a man reanimated 100 years after being frozen in a space accident. What is perhaps most interesting is the introduction of a world where advanced reptilian like alie
Joe 08/16/2020
A frozen astronaut is left to orbit the moon until medical science can restore him to fitness. Short, fun 1962 science fiction novella that asks a question: Does being on top of the food chain confer special privilege?
John 10/02/2019
Wisdom in his story

It is a wonderful little book. He wrote it with color and brightness. I read the Star Of Life when
I was eleven and I loved it. I hope young readers and mature readers will keep reading Hamilton.
Gilbert 08/18/2019
This is a short story that will make you think. Reed Kieran has the misfortune to be frozen to death on a space station orbiting the earth in the twenty-first century. He then suffers the greater misfortune of being revived by a cabal who wishes to use him to win a political debate in the twenty-sec
Ian 05/05/2019
A good science fiction novella that covers issues around xenophobia and the difference between humans and animals in around 50 pages. It packs quite a lot of ideas into a story of this size.

"Time travel" by suspended animation, where someone awakes or is revived after a long period frozen, asleep or
Jim 02/28/2018
There are a lot of interesting ideas here. Hamilton looks at feminism, racism, politics, & speciesism, but they weren't as fully formed as I could have hoped, so more of a 3.5. Our space faring future is in 1981 & then he uses the lens of a century jump to take us to the stars where our man of the f
Mark 06/17/2017
Interesting short story, with a lot of promising content and classic sci-fi material, but the story ends rather abruptly just as I felt it was going somewhere.

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