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The Star of Gettysburg

Joseph A. Altsheler

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The Star of Gettysburg | Joseph A. Altsheler

The Star of Gettysburg

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The Army of Northern Virginia, still victorious after three hard years of fighting, capitalize on their victories at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, and a young Harry Kenton, is an eyewitness to the Confederate invasion of the north, culminating in the epic three-day struggle at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where Robert E. Lee puts into place a strategy that will end the war, or shatter his army.
lant people, sir, almost equal in fire and dash to the South Carolinians."

Stuart smiled. He knew that it was meant as a compliment of the first class, and as such he took it.

"I think, sir," he said, "that I am speaking to Colonel Leonidas Talbot?"

"You are, sir, and the gentleman on my right is the second in command of this regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Hector St. Hilaire, a most noble gentleman and valiant and skillful officer. We have met you before, sir. You saved us before Bull Run when we were beleaguered at a fort in the Valley."

"Ah, I remember!" exclaimed Stuart. "And a most gallant fight you were making. And I recognize this young officer, too. He was the messenger who met me in the fields. Your hand, Mr. Kenton."

He stretched out his own hand in its long yellow buckskin glove, and Harry, flushing with pride, shook it warmly.

"It's good of you, General," he said, "to remember me."

"I'm glad to remember you and all like you. Is General Jackson near?"

"About a quarter of a mile farther back, sir. I'm a member of his staff, and I'll ride with you to him."

"Thanks. Lead the way."

Harry turned with Stuart and Sherburne and they soon reached General Jackson, who was plodding slowly on Little Sorrel, his chin sunk upon his breast as usual, the lines of thought deep in his face. General Stuart bowed low before him and the plumed hat was lifted high. The knight paid deep and willing deference to the Puritan.

Jackson's face brightened. He wished plain apparel upon himself, but he did not disapprove of the reverse upon General Stuart.

"You are very welcome, General Stuart," he said.

"I thank you, sir. I have come to report to you, sir, that General Burnside's army is gathering in great force on the other side of the Rappahannock, and that we are massed along

Cindy 10/19/2019
We need to know the history of our country as recorded here. I wish we all spent more time learning our history as it was rather than how we perceive it. They were honorable men.
Becky 12/13/2018
Before starting this series, I had a general knowledge of the Civil War and it's characters. Now, I feel as though I know a lot more about it than I was taught in school. I realize this is Historical Fiction and has taken a few liberties here and there (though Altsheler assures us he has done his be
Raymond 06/24/2018
A great story

I am always saddened when reading about the Civil War and the huge loss of life on both sides plus the huge loss of animals and it proves the barbaric mentality of one man against another,it was a war that didn't need to happen and society is still feeling the effects of it.
Monte 05/15/2014
Another in the Civil War series covering the time in the east after Antietam through Gettysburg. It is covered from the southern side. It's typical of the other books which do a good job of describing the war for young readers. I strongly recommend this series for the interested teenager that wants

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