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Rigby Taylor

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Book Overview: 

"Sebastian is an enigma. Everyone likes him, but no one knows anything about him. He wears clothes only under protest, but no one seems to mind. To say his home life is unusual would be like saying the Amazon is a stream. Bizarre doesn't even begin to describe his upbringing. He doesn't know who his father was, he's used as a therapist for broken youths, and yet he's managed to remain a 'normal' and thoroughly nice guy; if one is prepared to see beyond his penchant for nudity. In this fast paced tale of criminal intrigue, abductions and mayhem, Sebastian and his boyfriend, Reginald fight for their lives against the big moneyed bad boys.

WARNING: Adult Content"

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .I feel like a swim too‘, Martha announced. Pull me up.' She extended her hand. Sebastian grabbed it and heaved violently. She careered forward, tumbling onto a young couple immediately in front. Her bra remained on the fence. Pretending not to notice, Sebastian leapt agilely over recumbent bodies to the diving board and confronted the young man. Please pretend you know me and we‘re friends,‘ he pleaded. ‗I have to escape those people.‘ The young man, who had been wondering how to approach the scantily clad Adonis racing towards him, placed an arm round his shoulders and said, ‗Only if you kiss me.‘ What! Here?‘ No, underwater. Come on,‘ and he dived in. Sebastian followed and the kiss was brief, but sufficiently crazy to excite him. They surfaced, breathless. I‘m Rodney.‘ Sebastian.". . . Read More