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In Search of the Castaways

Jules Verne

Book Overview: 

The book tells the story of the quest for Captain Grant of the Britannia. After finding a bottle cast into the ocean by the captain himself after the Britannia is shipwrecked, Lord and Lady Glenarvan of Scotland decide to launch a rescue expedition. The main difficulty is that the coordinates of the wreckage are mostly erased, and only the latitude (37 degrees) is known.
Lord Glenarvan makes it his quest to find Grant; together with his wife, Grant’s children and the crew of his yacht the Duncan they set off for South America. An unexpected passenger in the form of French geographer Jacques Paganel joins the search. They explore Patagonia, Tristan da Cunha Island, Amsterdam Island, Australia and new Zeland and find Captain Grant at last.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .Patagonian, by whom he looked a perfect pigmy— a Patagonian who might have almost rivaled the Emperor Maximii, and that Congo negro seen by the learned Van der Brock, both eight feet high; but he caught up Spanish phrases from the Indian and studied the language without a book this time, gesticulating at a great rate all the grand sonorous words that fell on his ear.

"If I don't catch the accent," he said to the Major, "it won't be my fault; but who would have said to me that it was a Patagonian who would teach me Spanish one day?"


NEXT day, the 22d of October, at eight o'clock in the morning, Thalcave gave the signal for departure. Between the 22d and 42d degrees the Argentine soil slopes eastward, and all the travelers had to do was to follow the slope right down to the sea.

Glenarvan had supposed Thalcave's refusal of a horse was that he preferred walki. . . Read More

Community Reviews

Kas nežino Jules Verne? Šis prancūzų rašytojas buvo mano vaikystės atradimas. Ir dar koks! Atsimenu skaitydavau valandomis, paromis, savaitėmis, mėnesiais jo kūrinius. Iki dabar itin ryškiai atsimenu sceną iš vienos jo knygų kaip veikėjai papuola į didžiulį skruzdėlyną ir negali išeiti ir yra semiam

Skaityta, žiūrėta, vėl skaityta..tai buvo seniai seniai.. tarsi nuotykių atlasas..nuotykius, kuriuos norėtų išgyventi visi pramuštgalviai vaikai :)

Jules Verne, you've done it again. In Search of the Castaways is one of my grandma's favorite books from her childhood, so I thought I'd give it a go; and so a mistake was made. I'll have to assume she read one of the many abridged translations of it.

“My friends, what is to become of me? To start

One of the books of my childhood ( I remember reading it time and again, every time when I was short of "fresh" options), so there are a lot of fond memories about . It was very probably perfectly fit for young ages, as science-fiction elements are less pregnant, in favor of pure adventure, travels

Nonostante le difficoltà riscontrate nella lettura, mi è piaciuto. Da piccola lo avrei adorato (ovviamente non una versione integrale come questa!). Per chi voglia approcciarsi a Verne, questo non è sicuramente il libro da cui partire. Consiglio opere più brevi come "Viaggio al centro della terra" (

От тази история помня, че:
- е най-лошо да сбъркаш кораб - следващата спирка може да е отвъд екватора;
- в Андите има кондори и индианци - представители на две благородни, но преследвани раси;
- португалският и испанският са различни езици;
- в Нова Зеландия мисионерите през 19-ти век са преподавали ба

در روز ۲۶ ژوئیه ۱۸۶۴ میلادی، یك كشتی تفریحی بسیار زیبا به نام “دونجان” كه متعلق به “لرد گلناروان”، یك اصیل‌زاده اسكاتلندی بود، اولین سفر دریایی خود را در کانال شمال به سمت بندر گلاسکو آغاز كرد. بر فراز بلندترین دكل كشتی پرچم انگلیس در اهتزاز بود و در آن لرد گلناروان و همسر جوان او “هلن” و دوستانش قر

Un ¡BOOM!, resuena en la cabeza al querer recordar todo lo que ha sucedido en el libro. Tiene más de 700 páginas y viajan del oeste al este recorriendo casi 360º de longitud. Todo para buscar a un buque naufragado y en especial al padre de dos hermosas criaturas que pidieron ayuda a todo un caballer

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