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The Sea-Witch
Maturin Murray Ballou
Book Overview:
Maturin Murray Ballou was the author of dozens of books, chiefly centered around his extensive sea travel. He was deputy navy-agent in the Boston Custom House and circumnavigated in 1882, collecting material for several travel accounts and various nautical romances, amongst which The Sea-Witch can be counted.
Maturin Murray Ballou was the author of dozens of books, chiefly centered around his extensive sea travel. He was deputy navy-agent in the Boston Custom House and circumnavigated in 1882, collecting material for several travel accounts and various nautical romances, amongst which The Sea-Witch can be counted.
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But the ocean is a treacherous element, and the fair weather which had so long characterized their voyage, was to be varied now by fierce and angry gales. It was the season of the year when they might expect this, and the captain had kept a sharp lookout. It was the middle of a fine afternoon that there was obse. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
This is more of a novella than a full-length book. I enjoyed it and found it most enetertaining without the need of a lot of concentration. A leisurely read to be sure and quite an adventure.
It is, as the name implies, a marine story that involves the Birtish navy and its quest to supress the slave