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Riya's Foundling

Algis Budrys

37 ratings
Riya's Foundling | Algis Budrys

Riya's Foundling

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Now, if the animal we know as a cow were to evolve into a creature with near-human intelligence, so that she thought of herself as a "person"..

Phildee slipped out of his dormitory and ran across the yard to the feed-house. He dropped the big wooden latch behind him, and climbed up the ladder to the loft, depending on the slight strength of his young arms more than on his legs, which had to be lifted to straining heights before they could negotiate the man-sized rungs.

He reached the loft and stood panting, looking out over the farm through the loft door, at the light wooden fences around it, and the circling antenna of the radar tower.

Usually, he spent at least a little time each day crouched behind the grainsacks and being bigger and older, firing cooly and accurately into charging companies of burly, thick-lipped UES soldiers, or going over on one wing and whistling down on a flight of TT-34's that scattered like frightened ducks before the fiery sleet of his wing rockets.

But today was different, today there was something he wanted to try.

He stood up on his toes and searched. He felt the touch of Miss Cowan's mind, no different from that of anyone else—flat, unsystematic.

He sighed. Perhaps, somewhere, there was someone else like himself. For a moment, the fright of loneliness invaded him, but then faded. He took a last look at the farm, then moved away from the open door, letting his mind slip into another way of thinking.

His chubby features twisted into a scowl of concentration as he visualized reality. The scowl became a deeper grimace as he negated that reality, step by step, and substituted another.

F is for Phildee.
O is for Out.
R is for Reimann.
T is for Topology.
H is for heartsick hunger.

Abruptly, the Reimann fold became a concrete visualization. As thou

Jane Roxanne Beamon 10/19/2020
A simple tale of simple creatures. Each with a need that the other can fulfill.
Kay 07/17/2018
Cute but nothing spectacular

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