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The River War

Winston Churchill

Book Overview: 

When the self-proclaimed Mahdi gathered Islamic forces and kicked the Anglo-Egyptians out of the Sudan, he unleashed a backlash. With the image of the heroic General Charles Gordon dying at Khartoum, the British public was ready to support a war to reclaim the lost territories. And when the political time was right, a British-Egyptian-Sudanese expedition led by the redoubtable Herbert Kitchener set out to do just that.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .yond all other forms costly and tyrannical—the rule of an army. Such a combination depends, not on the good faith and good will of its constituents, but on their discipline and almost mechanical obedience. Mutual fear, not mutual trust, promotes the co-operation of its individual members. History records many such dominations, ancient and modern, civilised or barbaric; and though education and culture may modify, they cannot change their predominant characteristics—a continual subordination of justice to expediency, an indifference to suffering, a disdain of ethical principles, a laxity of morals, and a complete ignorance of economics. The evil qualities of military hierarchies are always the same. The results of their rule are universally unfortunate. The degree may vary with time and place, but the political supremacy of an army always leads to the formation of a great centralised capital, to the consequent impoverishment of the provinces, to the degradation. . . Read More

Community Reviews

A vivid and thrilling narrative, every bit as exciting as a grand adventure novel. Churchill was an amazing writer who brought this military history to pulse pounding life. Of course he had firsthand knowledge of the events, as he served in the 21st Lancers, which had a major role in the Battle of O

Last night I watched one of England’s finest actors playing a Sudanese political leader and an equally famous American taking on the role of a 19th century English general. The movie was Khartoum (1966). The actors Lawrence Olivier and Charlton Heston. And full marks for Heston’s excellent English a

Ever read something that made you feel wholly inadequate in your writing…if not your thinking? I am on my fourth reading of “The River War” and each time I read it, the sheer brilliance and eloquence of Winston Churchill dumbfounds, confounds, and hounds me. Churchill is a man genius and this book,

It's quintessential Churchill. It's biased, unabashedly imperialist, and old fashioned to the point of racism... But all the same, it's vibrant, exciting, eloquent, surprisingly even handed, and viscerally memorable narration.

You won't find a better book regarding this war, nor a better window into

كتاب تاريخي ممتاز يصف كيفية اعادة احتلال السودان بواسطة جيش الحكم الثنائي الإنجليزي المصري، ويعتبر مكمل لكتاب سلاطين باشا "السيف والنار في السودان" عن تلك الحقبة من تاريخ السودان.
يتميز الكاتب بقدرة روائية مبهرة في وصف المعارك وتقريب الصورة الى القارئ وشرح الأوضاع المحيطة بطروف المعارك، وكذلك يتميز ا

Churchill knows how to tell a good story, and he does so with vigor on this occasion. One lesson that can be gleamed from the conflict described in the pages of this book is the following: opposing war parties may have differing moral justification for their actions. In this tale, the Muslim uprisin

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