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Ralestone Luck

Andre Norton

Book Overview: 

Rupert Ralestone is officially the Marquess of Lorne--but with no family money or prestige, the title is worthless. He and his younger brother and sister return to the old family homestead--Pirate's Haven. Their only hope is to find the family's talisman, a great sword, and restore it to its proper place.

Recommended for fans J. R. R. Tolkien Hobbit and Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .I'se Lucy," she stated, thoroughly at her ease. "An' dis is Letty-Lou."

Thus sternly admonished, Letty-Lou ducked her head shyly and murmured something in a die-away voice.

"Letty-Lou," announced her aunt, "is com' to do fo' yo'all, Miss 'Chanda. I'se larn'd her good how to do fo' ladies. She is good at scrubbin' an' cleanin' an sich. Ah done train'd her mahse'f."

Letty-Lou looked at the floor and twisted her thin hands behind her back.

"But," protested Ricky, "we're not planning to have anyone do for us, Lucy."

"Dat's all right, Miss 'Chanda. Yo'all's not gittin' a know-nothin'. Letty-Lou, she knows her work. She kin cook right good."

"We can't take her," Val backed up Ricky. "You must understand, Lucy, that we don't have much money and we can't pay for—"

"Pay fo'!" Lucy's indignant sniff reduced him to his extremely unimportant place. "We's not talkin' 'bout pay workin', Mistuh Ralestone. Letty-Lo. . . Read More

Community Reviews

This is a great book!
The mystery, while pretty obvious, is nicely revealed and satisfactorily concluded. The characters are believable and engaging - especially Val and Jeems. The descriptions of Louisiana bayous are lovingly drawn and beautiful.
My one problem with the story is the depiction of the

Palestine Luck, again

This a re-read. As usual, I picked up interesting details in the story development that I frequently breeze over the first time. Still very enjoyable and interesting....more

I believe this was the first book Andre Norton ever wrote, apparently written she was still a school-girl, and the second to be published. This possibly shows in the writing, and the plotting, and ... and so what!? It's still a great story about some kids who inherit a haunted old mansion in the Dee

Very pleased to have rediscovered an old favorite author..

I first started reading Ms Norton about 40 years ago, but had never seen this, as is only read her fantasy and science fiction. This has moat of the wonder and mystery of those, but more humor and a wry wink. I don't think i would have liked

Given the author and the book cover, I thought I was in for a different type of story, but it turns out, its a family mystery of sorts. Nothing futuristic or magical.
That said, it was an enjoyable read with interesting characters, set in Louisiana in the 1930's.

I know she is known cor her sci-fi or fantasy, but her suspense is fantastic. The characters come alive, and they are believable in their conflicts with the outside world. I hope that I can be as prolific a writer as she.

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