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Book Excerpt: 
. . .of the city {defence} {defendant}de-fend´ant in the law suit {commensurable} com-men´su-ra-ble line-segments {Christian}Chris´tian church {changeable}change´a-ble weather {careful}care´ful of her clothes {campaign}cam-paign´ of the war {masculine}mas´cu-line gender {fictitious}fic-ti´tious names {chargeable}charge´a-ble to the account {bureau}bu´reau of information

[Pg 23]

LESSON 23 {bookkeeping}book´keep-ing class {Bible}Bi´ble study on Sunday {beneficial}ben-e-fi´cial to the health {base}base motives {bass}bass voice {electrolysis}e-lec-trol´y-sis of water {tried}tried to do his work . . . Read More