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By Pike and Dyke

G. A. Henty

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By Pike and Dyke | G. A. Henty

By Pike and Dyke

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It is the 1570's, and the people of the Netherlands live in terror under the cruel dominion of Spain. Though many long to be free of Spanish tyranny, efforts at rebellion are failing, and allies are nowhere to be found. Edward “Ned” Martin, son of an English captain and a Dutch lady, is thrust into the conflict when he resolves to help his mother’s people and avenge his murdered relatives. Entering the service of the revolutionary leader William the Silent, Prince of Orange, Ned is called upon to carry out dangerous secret missions deep within occupied territory. Through hairbreadth escapes, fierce sea fights, terrifying sieges, and daring rescues, Ned becomes a witness to the inspiring and heartbreaking events of the rise of the Dutch republic.
ve calculated the usual earnings of the ship for the time she was away, and to have paid my partners their share as if she had been trading as usual. It is not because the ship is half mine and that I and my partners make good profit out of her, that I have a right to divert her from her trade for my own purposes. As you say, my partners might be well content to let me do so; but that is not the question, I should not be content myself.

"We should always in business work with a good conscience, being more particular about the interests of those who trust us than of our own. Indeed, on the bare ground of expediency it is best to do so; for then, if misfortune happens, trade goes bad, or your vessel is cast away, they will make good allowance for you, knowing that you are a loser as well as they, and that at all times you have thought as much of them as of yourself. Lay this always to heart, lad. It is unlikely that I shall go to sea much more, and ere long you will be in command of the Good Venture. Always think more of the interests of those who trust you than of your own.

"They have put their money into the ship, relying upon their partner's skill and honesty and courage. Even at a loss to yourself you should show them always that this confidence is not misplaced. Do your duty and a little more, lad. Most men do their duty. It is the little more that makes the difference between one man and the other. I have tried always to do a little more, and I have found my benefit from it in the confidence and trust of my partners in the ship, and of the merchants with whom I do business. However, I am right glad that the ship is not going back empty. I shall reckon how much we should have received for the freight that was promised me at Amsterdam, then you will give me an account of what is to be paid by the merchants here. The difference I shall make up, as is only right, seeing that it is entirely from my own imprudence in expressing my opinion upon aff

Glen 05/01/2024
I am working on my history of Holland. My kids read this book and it is an easy place to start by picking a book up that we already own. In this book, Henty discusses the long war of occupied and now the mostly protestant (Dutch) Netherlands wanting to become a nation and their struggle for independ
Lynn 06/27/2023
So far (in Henty chronological order) this is my favorite. Loved learning the history of the 80 Years War and Holland and Prince of Orange. Enough action to keep me reading meanwhile.
ferretpatrol 02/21/2022
Great account by Henty of the Netherlands struggle for independence from Spain. The story ends at the fall of Antwerp after the assassination of William the Silent. It follows Henty's usual plotline very well. Henty is predictable but enjoyable.
Bill 02/05/2020
GA Henty stories are just awesome
Ronald Rickcord 10/21/2018
An exciting tale of the Dutch wars

The story could be very much improved by the inclusion of maps of the main areas relating to the conflict.

Bill 10/21/2017
This book was excellent and really entertaining. It really talked a lot about sieges and horror of war. I recommend it as I did not know much about this period.
P. 12/19/2015
Classic Henty.

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