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The Parasite

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Book Overview: 

Being a physiologist, Austin Gilroy is unconvinced that the occult is real. His friend Professor Wilson, however, is not only convinced that psychical powers are real, but eagerly desires that Gilroy should be persuaded. To this end, Wilson invites Austin to his house for a demonstration. The effect is that Austin, although still skeptical, now concedes that there is more in the matter than he at first believed. But when the psychic, Miss Penclosa, controls his actions to the point where he nearly murders his fiancee, Austin Gilroy doubts no longer.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .It must have been something that happened last night. You have been thinking it over and you have disapproved of my conduct. Was it the mesmerism? Did you blame me for letting that woman exercise her power over you? You know that at the least sign I should have interfered."

"It is useless, Austin. All is over:"

Her voice was cold and measured; her manner strangely formal and hard. It seemed to me that she was absolutely resolved not to be drawn into any argument or explanation. As for me, I was shaking with agitation, and I turned my face aside, so ashamed was I that she should see my want of control.

"You must know what this means to me!" I cried. "It is the blasting of all my hopes and the ruin of my life! You surely will not inflict such a punishment upon me unheard. You will let me know what is the matter. Consider how impossible it would be for me, under any circumstances, to treat you so. For God's sake, Agatha, let me. . . Read More

Community Reviews

an interesting mixture of what is actually possible, what believe and what is simply superstitious.

Doyle always has something interesting and most of the time different times say in his stories, especially remembering when he wrote them.

this was an interesting, slightly spooky and creepy read.

A lot of love for this book!

The diary entry layout was highly effective in following the fast-paced plot, and truly gave an extraordinary insight into the deteriorating psychological state of a protagonist possessed by mesmerism. By the last chapter your wee heart breaks for him! And the villain -

Prof Austin Gilroy doesn't believe in mesmerism and its effectiveness. When he himself gets under the spell of a Miss Penclosa he sees the dangers of that art. Why is he speaking of a parasite? Who is he terribly afraid of? The story starts slow but soon turns out into a real page turner. A fine por

Well off Conan Doyle's beaten track ... horror with a Victorian flair!

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is, of course, best known for his Sherlock Holmes and Professor Challenger characters. What is much less well known is that Doyle was fascinated with spiritualism and the paranormal. Indeed, his fascination

¡Qué historia tan genial! Excepto por el final, que no entiendo por qué fue tan abrupto...

Pero, dejando eso de lado, me gustó mucho que la historia del profesor Gilroy se contara a manera de diario, pues me recordó mucho a Dracula. Además, fue muy fuerte ir leyendo cómo el hombre va perdiendo poco

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