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Nights With Uncle Remus

Joel Chandler Harris

Book Overview: 

That the little boy loved Uncle Remus and his stories was so obvious that the tale-spinning sessions began drawing additional listeners. Daddy Jack, an old "Africa man" visiting from down-state; Sis Tempy, the strong chief of the mansion's servants; and Tildy, a young and pretty servant-girl - all found their way to Uncle Remus' rude cabin when their duties or interests permitted, to sit around the hearth and hear the wonderful tales of the animals, and foremost among them, Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox.

It turned out that some of the tales had different ways of telling, and the visitors took their turns at being the story-teller. Always one or more clever animals humbled or hornswoggled others among their community with flattery, wide-eyed mystery, or outright fraud.

After the success of Harris' "Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings", he went on to write eight more books compiling the tales he himself had heard on the plantation in his young days. This is the first of those sequels.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .He git de paw in, en den he beg fer ter git de yuther paw in, en den w'en he git dat in he beg fer ter git he head in, en den w'en he git he head in, en he paws in, co'se all he got ter do is ter shove de do' open en walk right in; en w'en marters stan' dat way, 't wa'n't long 'fo' he done make fresh meat er Speckle Pig.

"Nex' day, he make way wid Blunt, en de day atter, he 'low dat he make a pass at Runt. Now, den, right dar whar ole Brer Wolf slip up at. He lak some folks w'at I knows. He'd 'a' bin mighty smart, ef he had n't er bin too smart. Runt wuz de littles' one er de whole gang, yit all de same news done got out dat she 'uz pestered wid sense like grown folks.

"Brer Wolf, he crope up ter Runt house, en he got un'need de winder, he did, en he sing out:

"'Ef you'll open de do' en let me in,
I'll wom my han's en go home ag'in.'

"But all de same, Brer Wolf can't coax Runt fer ter open de do', en needer kin he break in, ka. . . Read More

Community Reviews

This book was worth searching out and reading. Though it's now a banned book, it gives a slice of Southern living during the plantation era. Slavery was a dark period in our nation's history, but this collection of stories, compiled by Harris and collected by night, shows the strength and resilience

Absolutely loved going through this book and hearing about the wild adventures of Br'er Rabbit and his many friends in the Briar Patch. This is such a unique piece of Georgia history that contains so many interesting insights about the plantation life in the Deep South. Some critique this book becau

Gave up about halfway through, the vernacular is often hard to translate... moving on to something more fun!

I know. It's a classic. It's also completely unreadable.

I know it was written in a different time (but not a different place: I live in Georgia), but honestly. Nobody talks like that.

In addition, I finally broke down and bought a copy of the book written in what actually was English, and the stories

I had a hard time with this. The dialect is so hard to grasp that really the only way to get it is to read it aloud. Not my preferred method of book consumption. I can’t do that without intense mocking from my husband either, so this took absolutely forever. I’ve heard the other Uncle Remus books on