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A New Reality

Michel Poulin

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Book Overview: 

A NEW REALITY is the sequel of my science-fiction novel A MINOR GLITCH and is best classified as an alternate history fiction novel. In the year 1930, Tasha Lenoir and her three friends from the year 2624 are continuing to propel their country of adoption, France, to the forefront of nations, via technological and social progress. However, bigotry, intolerance and war will continue to stand in their way.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . ."er, before hugging in turn the four women employees of her household. ‘’Girls, I am so happy, for all of us! This is a moment that I had been hoping for years.’’ ‘’I actually had despaired of seeing this day ever come, madam.’’ replied Sylvie Brochu, the cook of the residence, while returning Tasha’s hug. ‘’Me too!’’ added Marthe Lecomte, the senior maid. ‘’I do wish that it could have come much earlier: that would have prevented my no-good ex-husband from grabbing all my hard-earned savings when he left me.’’. . . Read More