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My Doggie and I

R. M. Ballantyne

Book Overview: 

This story surrounds a child waif, a young woman, a young gentleman doctor, and an elderly lady. This tale unfolds the story of a bond that brings these unlikely friends together and merges their separate paths of life into one common path. The bond is "Dumps", or "Pompey", the "doggie". With many twists, turns, and uncertainties, the ending may surprise the reader. All's well that ends well in this doggie "tail".

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .I left my old lodging the landlord fled the country, and other people came to the house, who were troubled by my sending so often to inquire. Then my money was all expended, and I had to quit my second lodging, and came here, which is far, far from the old lodging, and now I have no one to send.”

“Have you any friends in London?” I asked.

“No. We had come from York to try to find teaching for my darling, for we could get none in our native town, and we had not been long enough in London to make new friends when—when—she went away. My dear Ann and Willie, her mother and father, died last year, and now we have no near relations in the world.”

“Shall I read to you, granny?” said I, feeling that no words of mine could do much to comfort one in so sad a case.

She readily assented. I was in the habit of reading and praying with her during these visits. I turned, without any definite intention of doing so, t. . . Read More

Community Reviews

An enjoyable read with a nice happy ending.

This was a fun and sweet story! Reminds me a lot of the Horatio Alger books I read a lot back when I was homeschooled, but with stronger faith content. It was hard to believe the characters really wouldn't have put some of the dots together at a certain point, but it was still fun waiting for them t

I read this to our children years ago, and I enjoyed it just as much this time around many years later.

Čitala sam je na engleskom, ali otežavajuća okolnost je bila što su većina dijaloga bili na dijalektu, pretpostavljam cockney.
Glavni lik John Mellon ima malog psića po imenu “Dumps” jer strašno potseća na odrpanog otirača za cipele. John je bio mladi student medicine kad ga je kupio za poveću sumu n