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More William

Richmal Crompton

Book Overview: 

The second of Crompton’s series of 39 books about William Brown, our cheeky 11 year-old protagonist. A hero to some, a dastardly villain to others, this book is structured round a year in his life. Starting with William waking up on Christmas morning and ending with him going to sleep the following Christmas Eve, there are the usual round of misadventures, misunderstandings, and general mayhem in between. When a boy like William wakes up under a motto that says “A Busy Day Is A Happy Day” alongside a copy of “Things A Boy Can Do”, chaos is just around the corner. Includes the very first William short story – “Rice Mould”. Often dismissed as children’s literature, the first few books of William stories were probably aimed more at an adult audience. They resonate with a distinctly English humor, but there are obvious echoes from ‘Tom Sawyer’ and ‘Huckleberry Finn’.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .you won't find another dog like this—not for miles!"

"Will 'e be much good as a watch dog, now?" asked Mr. Blank carelessly.

"Good?" said William, almost indignant at the question. "There isn't any sort of dog he isn't good at!"

"Umph," said Mr. Blank, looking at him thoughtfully.

"Tell me about things you've done," said William earnestly.

"Yus, I will, too," said Mr. Blank. "But jus' you tell me first 'oo lives at all these 'ere nice 'ouses an' all about 'em. See?"

William departed with an air of scowling mystery, leaving his parents speechless with amazement.

William readily complied, and the strange couple gradually wended their way along the road towards William's house. William stopped at the gate and considered deeply. He was torn between instincts of hospitality and a dim suspicion that his family would not afford to Mr. Blank that courtesy which is a guest's due. He looked at Mr. Blank's . . . Read More

Community Reviews

Being a mummy you have to read plenty of stories and this is one we originally found in audio form. Luckily I managed to find a copy for bedtime and other times I am demanded from my 4yr old to read to him. These wonderful stories, while dated are full of adventure and mischief but truely lovely.

Prostě další Jirka. Tentokrát jsem četla českou knihu Jirkův perný den.
Trochu slabší výběr než Jirka v ráži nebo Jirka postrach rodiny, ale pořád dost vtipné. Pár povídek se tam opakovalo z minulých knih.

“Honk. Yonk. Ponk.”

William, dressed in a bed sheet and obliging a visiting relative who yearns for an experience of the supernatural. Because William Brown, eleven years old and the scourge of the village, the eternal thorn in the side of his long-suffering family, is not completely devoid of finer

This is another entertaining William book.

For Christmas William gets a book called “Portraits of our Kings and Queens”, which he understandably casts aside, and one entitled “Things a Boy can do” which he finds extremely promising.

This unfortunate book suggests and gives precise instructions as to h

Still on the nostalgia trail... moving on to another childhood favourite. I made my first acquaintance with William, the boy with the outsize imagination, grandiose schemes and total disregard for social consequences through this book. I fell instantly in love with this "outlaw among outlaws.

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